Still on the bottom. I got used to it very quickly and think it is way better
Bottom where everything else should be as well for any other apps since it’s much easier to use, since like everyone has said phones are getting huge these days.
One of the first things I did, after setting the theme, is move toolbar to the bottom.
@someguy3 Top.
As phones get bigger, bottom gets better.
After using the bottom bar for just a few minutes I don’t want to ever go back to the top bar. Honestly, I can’t comprehend how it isn’t the standard for mobile browsers. It seems to make quite a lot of sense to put UI elements where they can be easily reached…
Keep it at the bottom, that’s how the old Opera browser had it back when it was one of the first mobile browsers and it’s always felt completely natural to me since.
Bottom of course, I don’t have giant mutant fingers so I could still reach the top of the screen on modern phones. :'(
I DO have giant mutant hands, and I still have to reposition to reach the top of the screen with any accuracy.
Originally I wasn’t on board with the address bar at the bottom. But having used it for a while now, it makes a lot of sense and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Back at the top.