Overwatch 2 is the worst game on Steam, according to user reviews | “The people who make Overwatch porn work harder than the people who make Overwatch”::undefined
Overwatch 2 is the worst game on Steam, according to user reviews | “The people who make Overwatch porn work harder than the people who make Overwatch”::undefined
But what does “review bombing” accomplish?
You mention loot boxes. SWBF2(2) was so notorious that governments got involved.
And… we still have loot boxes and people are actively defending gacha games.
And that ignores that most review bombs aren’t even about the game* and are mostly about “woke politics” and similar stupidity.
*: I would also very much argue that SWBF2 had very little to do with the loot boxes and was mostly chuds angry about TLJ.
I have never even heard of anyone reviewing BF2 for the movies. Everything I saw and heard were for loot boxes, the levelling system, the guns, skins, or pride and accomplishment.
Its speculation but it lines up with other debacles over the years. There is a genuine problem/concern. A group of chuds who actually are angry at something else it does pretend this is what they care about start the angry mob going. And then said mob tries to ignore the chuds ranting about other shit. Gamergate is probably the most well known example of this.
And it really does line up here. Funny enough, Overwatch had been batshit insane with loot boxes and shit drops for a year or so by that point and plenty of the same articles and arguments were made (although, I don’t think you could buy sexy nurse Mercy? you had to get her as a drop? Or an SFM clip…) but nobody cared and… many people were actively defending it all while being angry about a Vader skin.
And since? Nothing has changed lootbox wise, people genuinely like SWBF2-2 (or just hate BF2042 that much. It is hard to tell) and gacha games like Genshin Impact are defended by every outlet. And you still have the crowds who can’t hear about TLJ without writing an angry rant about how it ruined Star Wars.
Maybe I am just a cynic. But having been around for more than a few of these: Outrage on the level of SWBF2-2 doesn’t happen without ulterior motives. And those ulterior motives are almost always horrifically chuddy.
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about
Steams reviews have a much higher weight in regard to a games success than any other form of review. The new Battlefront games came to Steam way later, when EA Play got introduced and a big chunk of EAs exclusive library moved to Steam. By that point the Battlefront games got all patched up and were somewhat beloved. But a native Steam release like BF2042 was met with harsh criticism, which ultimately let to the game’s failure. There is a reason why AAA studios like Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft or Microsoft prefer not to release their games on Steam and each have their own launchers. The lack of transparency is also why the Epic Games Store is an attractive alternative for publishers. I’d like to think that Steam has the most solid review system one could ask for, something that other launchers are severely lacking. An “overwhelmingly positive” status for a game is an automatic success and everything below “mixed” is nearly a death sentence. Even games that are successfull, like the recent CoD titles start out “negative” or “mixed” on Steam release. But that doesn’t matter anymore, because the publisher already got his money from their own launcher and console releases.
EA BFII released before TLJ (Nov 17, 2017 vs Dec 15, 2017). And the controversy for BFII happened before it’s release, more than a month before anybody had the chance to see TLJ. On top of that, because of the extreme amounts of negative press, all paid loot boxes were removed from BFII within like a week of its release, and all future content would be entirely free. So while sometimes review bombing may be people clamoring about ‘wokeness’ or just ineffective, BFII is not the example to use as it’s probably the singular hardest pivot in game direction in modern AAA due to player outcry.