All they did was take down the website that links to the GitHub repository. They already tried to have GitHub pull it, and they did but then restored it and setup a legal defense fund for projects in similar situations which seems like a pretty big “fuck you”.
This story is a nothing-burger, the equivalent of the blue bucket meme.
They should just move it to a non-Western jurisdiction.
It was a German court apparently, according to the article
Yes, that would be for the best.
Similar to how certain VPN/Mail clients/journalists (due to leaks) and others are in non-western areas.
I am forgetting some…
edit: word
This seems like it would follow along the same lines as emulators and torrent downloaders. If you don’t download anything illegal with it, you’re not doing anything wrong. I use this software for work to download good resolution/low filesize copies of my client’s videos. Hopefully I can continue using it.
All else fails, grab yt-dlp. It’s a fork that I tend to find works better than normal youtube-dl anyway.
I’m actually already using this fork! I do enjoy the level of configuration yt-dlp has
I don’t even think you need to go as far as comparing it to emulators and torrent downloaders. It just downloads what’s publicly hosted on the web, it’s no different from a web browser basically.
yt-dlp is an old fork, and very good. It’s insanely fast.
isn’t yt-dlp the one to use anyway? I heard that youtube-dl is deprecated and dlp is the way to go.
I believe youtube-dl are just slower at accepting merges. For example yt-dlp were the first to mitigate youtube’s speed throttling and idk if the base project has it even now. It’s still functional but may be slower.
There’s actually multiple forks, and that one’s been around for awhile. I actually prefer the version you link, it’s been more stable for me.
I didn’t mean to say it’s a new fork, but that the fork already exists. Maybe didn’t form my sentence correctly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the way
I already pay to access the Internet, put your Ads up the butt. I will contribute to the creators I choose.