Something Ryan didn’t mention was pumping losses, which increase at an increasing rate with engine rpm, so efficiency suffers.
Different engine designs have different sweet spots. My V85 is perfectly happy at 3000rpm around town, but it only revs to 8000 or so. My FZ6 wouldn’t really be happy at anything under about 5000rpm, but redlined at 14.5k.
You just have to get used to the engine you have and have some mechanical sympathy: don’t lug it, but you don’t need to rev the tits off it either.
Well, I just went out and tried to follow the guidance, but only 1st and 2nd gear at high revs seemed even remotely licence retaining speeds! 🙄 Good fun though, thanks F9.
Me too, felt like a twat cruising on a bike screaming at 7000rpm in the city. On big roads I’m at 5000rpm in the highest gear anyway so meh. Good thing to remind oneself not to lug the engine though.
The only thing I get out of this video is don’t lug your engine and get it close to redline once in awhile to burn off carbon deposit.
Instructions unclear; bike impounded for Felony speeding.