So, yesterday I broke my dominant arm. Yay! For the next 6 weeks, I have a cast, and at least for now, I can’t use my right hand or arm at all (I am typing this with my left hand).

I’m looking for suggestions what I can play. Some thoughts:

  1. On PC, of couse
  2. Can be played only with the keyboard
  3. No time limits or need to respond quickly (e.g. many RTSes)
  4. I like puzzle games, RPGs, and good storytelling. I want to like sim games, but haven’t yet found one that I love.
  5. Nothing too difficult

Here’s a link to my Steam profile, if that helps:

Thank you all for any advice!

    2 years ago
    • Patrick’s Parabox is one of my favourite puzzle games. Gets pretty crazy with recursion.
    • Baba Is You, another popular puzzle game. I found it frustrating after a while but maybe that’s just me. And when you don’t get stuck it’s super fun.
    • Sokobond is another sokoban game, but you said you like puzzle games and these lend themselves well for keyboard only play. Pretty chill overall but I found a few of the later levels pretty difficult. I also like how every level tells you a fact about the molecule you’re building.
    • Thomas Was Alone is a classic. It’s been a while since I’ve played it but I think it’s playable with keyboard only. It’s a puzzle platformer, so you need at least some timing (not sure whether that violates your “no responding quickly” requirement) but it’s not very stressful. It also has great narration.
    • Stardew Valley. Not for everyone, but the people who enjoy it often play it for hundreds of hours. I haven’t tried it but I’m pretty sure you can play it with keyboard only. You might need to rebind some keys and it might sometimes be suboptimal (e.g. can’t place items away from your character without a mouse) but shouldn’t be a dealbreaker.
    • I’d also recommend checking out some classic games on emulator. Older controllers don’t have that many buttons so you can easily bind everything in a way that is easily reachable by one hand on a keyboard. I was thinking of Pokémon specifically but I’m sure you could make it work for a lot of games.
    • A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build. Slightly frustrating controls (and there’s no undo button) and a bit short but otherwise fun. I also saw on SteamDB that it recently had a price increase from 10€ to 15€. I think I paid €2.50 for it on sale. So I’d say definitely only buy this if it’s at least 70% off.

    A lot of people have mentioned Slay the Spire and it’s one of my favourite games, but I’m pretty sure that you can’t play it with just the keyboard. Controller could work one handed but it’s probably a bit too finnicky. It’s an amazing mouse only game though if you ever need to rest your other hand. Or just as a general recommendation.

    This doesn’t really match you criteria, but if you’re open for something a bit different, I’d also want to recommend Trackmania. It’s a precise racing game that many people play on keyboard (including myself). I press the brake button with my other hand but you can easily play with just WASD too. I recommend rebinding the brake to space though for easier access. You don’t directly interact with other players, you only race against the clock. You can play the campaign for free (25 tracks and they change every three months).