When you play host to the EU and NATO its no surprise you end up with the biggest cocaine port in Europe, a vast pedophile ring and a police force so corrupt it had to be abolished
Don’t forget the Brabant Killers, the ultra-violent but suspiciously professional gang that did low paying but bloody robberies, were likely special forces or elite cops, may have been a disguised right-wing hit squad, had lots of links to Gladio groups funded by the CIA, and one of the main suspects was the best friend and accomplice of the guy who was the head flight instructor at the Florida aviation school that trained the 9/11 hijackers, whose father was also likely CIA.
Mfw “the Soviets indirectly caused 9/11” joke isn’t even remotely accurate anymore because the US’ assets were already being primed for 9/11 since the 60s
One of the main suspects was the best friend and accomplice of the guy who was the head flight instructor at the Florida aviation school that trained the 9/11 hijackers, whose father was also likely CIA.
What’s you source for that? Would love to learn more.
A Florida newspaper did a really good long read but it’s behind a pay wall now apparently, so I found this copy of it posted on a forum for you. While there’s some detail missing from more in depth articles and books on the Brabant Killers, it’s a really good overview of Jean Francois Buslik’s life, decent on his and police links to right-wing terror groups, and at least references his father’s work for the CIA and other possible intelligence connections talked about more elsewhere.
After his release in 1987, Bruinsma restructured his drug organization […] a new division for exploitation of gambling machines was formed under the supervision of Sam Klepper and John Mieremet, and Roy Adkins was appointed leader of the drug division.
A Dutch investigative television program revealed on 9 September 2007, that another arms cache that had belonged to Gladio had been ransacked in the 1980s. It was located in a park near Scheveningen. Some of the stolen weapons, including hand grenades and machine guns, later turned up when police officials arrested criminals John Mieremet and Sam Klepper in 1991.
When Prince Johan Friso asked the Dutch parliament in 2003 for permission to marry Mabel Wisse Smit, Dutch media published details of her relationship with Bruinsma, who was shot and killed in 1991 in front of the Amsterdam Hilton hotel. As a result, the couple decided not to seek parliament’s permission for their marriage, which resulted in Friso renouncing his right to the throne.
For a long time there were rumors that Hertogs had protection from high-level individuals. In the book Zuidwal, that tells the story of the serial killer, it is claimed that Hertogs was protected by Cornelis Stolk, an important judge and vice president of the court
In 2009 crime reporter Peter R. de Vries started a sting operation, trying to reveal if Hertogs murdered more people or if the claims made in the book were true. While being filmed with hidden cameras, Hertogs, talking with a ‘dear’ friend, who turned out to be an infiltrator working for De Vries, made some notable admissions:
He admitted he kidnapped and murdered the three girls.
With the murder of Edith Post he had an accomplice.
Confessed knowing who murdered the two Swedish women, Gun-Ingeborg Johannesson (18) and Ann Jönsson (19), in a forest near La Roche-en-Ardenne.
Confessed he had a special bond with judge Cornelis Stolk. Stolk paid for the driver’s license of Hertogs and after an earlier conviction Stolk placed him under the care of a ‘befriended’ psychiatrist, who later turned out to be the ex-wife of Stolk. In the end of the television show it was revealed that Hertogs, in return, offered sexual services (oral sex) and child pornography to Cornelis Stolk
Also interesting to note that like Dutroux, Hertogs is known as a serial killer which ignores the very important context of them being kidnappers for pedophile rings
When you play host to the EU and NATO its no surprise you end up with the biggest cocaine port in Europe, a vast pedophile ring and a police force so corrupt it had to be abolished
Don’t forget the Brabant Killers, the ultra-violent but suspiciously professional gang that did low paying but bloody robberies, were likely special forces or elite cops, may have been a disguised right-wing hit squad, had lots of links to Gladio groups funded by the CIA, and one of the main suspects was the best friend and accomplice of the guy who was the head flight instructor at the Florida aviation school that trained the 9/11 hijackers, whose father was also likely CIA.
Mfw “the Soviets indirectly caused 9/11” joke isn’t even remotely accurate anymore because the US’ assets were already being primed for 9/11 since the 60s
What’s you source for that? Would love to learn more.
A Florida newspaper did a really good long read but it’s behind a pay wall now apparently, so I found this copy of it posted on a forum for you. While there’s some detail missing from more in depth articles and books on the Brabant Killers, it’s a really good overview of Jean Francois Buslik’s life, decent on his and police links to right-wing terror groups, and at least references his father’s work for the CIA and other possible intelligence connections talked about more elsewhere.
The aviation school where he was head flight instructor was called Kemper Aviation and is well known and sourced as one of the ones used by thr 9/11 highjackers to train. For example, here’s a reference to it right at the start of a Newsweek article.
Do the Netherlands next!
I know of a few dutch Gladio/underworld links from Peter R. de Vries (who was assassinated a couple years ago)
The dutch drug lord Klaas Bruinsma
The dutch kidnapper Koos Hertogs
Also interesting to note that like Dutroux, Hertogs is known as a serial killer which ignores the very important context of them being kidnappers for pedophile rings
Well that was a wild ride… 😳