There is a substantial amount of spam and NSFW posts on the All page coming through already. Most NSFW posts aren’t being tagged as such and are coming right through. I am not sure how this can be weathered but we need something in place fairly soon, I feel like we are days away from rivers of bad stuff, especially via some of the federated instances.

EDIT: I personally don’t care much about the NSFW aspect, more in the lines of what a newcomer will be seeing when they get to the main page. 99% of the newcomers don’t know / care about federation and have no idea how to turn that off. Liability for the server owner is also an element of consideration.

    2 years ago

    I disagree. I really think closing ourselves off to a bunch of places goes against the spirit of the fediverse. I want to be getting content from a lot of places which I can then filter out and control myself, and I feel like kbin supports that mindset well. I understand why some would want to defederate and close themselves off, but I don’t want turning into beehaw. If you’re looking for a more controlled instance, join them

    These platforms are still pretty early in their infancy and I don’t think they were quite mature enough to take on this sudden influx of users (through no fault of anyone). There’s going to be some growing pains but we’ll get through it and this platform will get better from it

      2 years ago

      I don’t think that you fully understand the scale of illegal stuff that is transiting on the fediverse, and by illegal I mean “FBI illegal”. You don’t want it stored on Ernest’s servers. Some instances are blocked for a very good reason, even you would agree.

      BTW I already switch to defederate and I blocked NSFW, but we all have to take into consideration the risks for Ernest, because in fine he is the one hosting the pictures.