I don’t understand why the federal government allows these buses (or chartered planes, or whatever) to continue. Since it involves crossing state borders, don’t the feds have jurisdiction?
I don’t know what the passengers were told in this instance, but in other cases, people were lied to. They agreed to go because were told they would be getting jobs and homes. I don’t think they would have voluntarily gone if they were told the truth - “we’re going to dump you somewhere as a political stunt. We’re not giving them any prior notice, so it’s anyone’s guess as to how you and your family will be taken care of. We don’t care, because to us, you’re not people. You’re just tools we’ll use to own the libs.”
When some creep lures a kid into a van with the promise of candy, and then drives them halfway across the country, we call it kidnapping. Why hasn’t anyone been prosecuted?
IIRC it’s being worked on. I think they’re working on builing a case.
That’s a murder charge if the parents did it so it should be the same for Abbott.
Jayzuz America. What in the fuck are you doing???
Murder??? What are you basing that on?
The dead child, I would wager.
I don’t think the online backlash matters. The real question is if Abbott is receiving any backlash in Texas and it appears probably not much, if any. Texans need to step up here and they don’t seem to be doing that.
This isn’t even the first migrant child he’s killed with his inhumane policies. This won’t even faze this disgusting piece of shit.
Actually, he’ll walk with slightly more pep in his step. He’s making a difference. He got what he wanted most.
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Oh, no! Backlash? Whatever shall he do?
(Hint: the same thing he always does due to lack of consequences)
Big pro life energy
Texas: Dead migrant children are a feature, not a bug.
As a Texan it makes me sad and angry that our government is doing this to people looking for a better life for themselves and their kids. I can’t argue that what you say is exactly what it looks like to the rest of the civilized world. I wish it weren’t that way.
I don’t see the problem. No one presented with symptoms before getting on, and as soon as there was a medical issue, they stopped and 911 was called. Everyone acted the way they were supposed to. Kid was going to die no matter what.
Explain what medical history checks were made before loading these people on the bus, and how thorough they are.
What exact thing did this kid die of? You must know to make such an absolute statement about a pre-existing condition. What do you know about this child that you can be so sure they were going to die regardless?
Finally, why is it you seem more concerned with defending Abbott than you are that a child died at all?
Article didn’t say.
And yet you’re speaking as if you know definitively. Why is that?
If it’s not because you know for sure, it seems like it’s because this is the outcome you prefer: dead migrants and migrant children.
Keep those undocumented people down there, don’t ship em up here!!!
Ignorant mf