Honestly, with my raised beds, between compost, seeds and fertilizer I probably lose money compared to buying tomatoes from the store. Home grown garden tomatoes are 10x better quality than grocery store tomatoes.
Honestly, with my raised beds, between compost, seeds and fertilizer I probably lose money compared to buying tomatoes from the store. Home grown garden tomatoes are 10x better quality than grocery store tomatoes.
Bro I been growing edamame. Holy fucking shit. You’ll fucking cum.
yeah? our light is very poor in our back garden. the only thing that thrives, that I’ve found, is gerkins, so thats what we grow. tiny cucumbers, and we pickle them.
we tried regular peas and beans, and it was OK, but there was so little fruit at one time we became completely confused as to how anyone could have enough for a whole serving at any one time.
Whats your light situation like with the edamame? do you just boil/salt them and eat them like you would in a japanese restaurant?
I should do that next year. Grow a bunch of stuff for the first time hydroponically this year and it has been fun. Even though the pruning gods would murder me if they saw my tomatoes.
we actually switched to gerkins. so, if theres ever a day where we can’t buy pickels, we’d have them, but not the pickling ingredients as we can’t grow our own vinegar
You can! You just need a vinegar mother! I’ve not done it myself, but the way I understand it you can transfer the mother once the vinegar is to your liking, then on to the next one.
When gardens are being raided due to mass starvation, people will go to your house and say, “Pickles, GROSS!” They will move on and your house will be spared.
I live in Ireland, we don’t pay for water (or even waste water out like they do in Germany), but the rain has been non-stop this year with the gulf stream. I’ve also just intalled a water butt out of a 500l repurposed whiskey barrel (again, Ireland) so that also helps with not having to use the hose (they call it the hose pipe)
Honestly, with my raised beds, between compost, seeds and fertilizer I probably lose money compared to buying tomatoes from the store. Home grown garden tomatoes are 10x better quality than grocery store tomatoes.
Bro I been growing edamame. Holy fucking shit. You’ll fucking cum.
Soybeans. You’ve been growing soybeans.
Is edamame specifically when it’s in food form?
There are lots of different foods made from soybeans, like tofu and tempeh. Edamame is young, whole soybeans cooked in their pods.
Its a specific dish.
I think the person knows their own garden better than some rando lol
Edamame is soybeans.
Soybeans is edamame.
Math is Math
And Zendaya is Meechee.
yeah? our light is very poor in our back garden. the only thing that thrives, that I’ve found, is gerkins, so thats what we grow. tiny cucumbers, and we pickle them.
we tried regular peas and beans, and it was OK, but there was so little fruit at one time we became completely confused as to how anyone could have enough for a whole serving at any one time.
Whats your light situation like with the edamame? do you just boil/salt them and eat them like you would in a japanese restaurant?
I should do that next year. Grow a bunch of stuff for the first time hydroponically this year and it has been fun. Even though the pruning gods would murder me if they saw my tomatoes.
“Your little nutsacks are gonna be quacking buddy.”
And if ever there is a day you can’t buy tomatoes for whatever reason, you will have them.
we actually switched to gerkins. so, if theres ever a day where we can’t buy pickels, we’d have them, but not the pickling ingredients as we can’t grow our own vinegar
You can! You just need a vinegar mother! I’ve not done it myself, but the way I understand it you can transfer the mother once the vinegar is to your liking, then on to the next one.
When gardens are being raided due to mass starvation, people will go to your house and say, “Pickles, GROSS!” They will move on and your house will be spared.
good thing I’m not growing cheeseburgers
What I would give for a cheeseburger tree.
Not to mention the cost of watering.
I live in Ireland, we don’t pay for water (or even waste water out like they do in Germany), but the rain has been non-stop this year with the gulf stream. I’ve also just intalled a water butt out of a 500l repurposed whiskey barrel (again, Ireland) so that also helps with not having to use the hose (they call it the hose pipe)
That’s what rain barrels are for