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You honestly think less civilians were killed in all those things COMBINED than by Russia? Really? That’s actually one of the most wild liberal claims I’ve ever seen, and thats saying something. You’ve lost attachment to reality.
Prove me wrong. If you can’t, well of course you’re a troll farm and you’re part of the reason Russia has a reputation as the shitstain of the world.
You made the extraordinary claim. Your job to provide proof.
Also I’m an American communist from New England. One of the posts on my profile is about weird shit in the American Pie movies. Another recent one you can actually see is about Skyrim. Clearly troll farm shit. (I’d point out the idea that the Kremlin would bother to astroturf lemmy is INSANE, but that ones been falling on deaf ears because you all are so self important).
So I’m supposed to believe that a bunch of queers are simping for a dictatorship that murders queers?
Jesus I really doubt someone with Fae in their name is cishet but you used that word really slurishly.
I’m not. Looking at the Ukraine War with the nuance and knowledge of geopolitics it deserves isn’t simping for Putin. I hate the Putin regime, especially what they do to their queer community. Its not like Ukraine is that much better on queer issues though?
My posting history goes back three years before federation. You’ll find very few of my posts were about the Ukraine war.
I’m obviously queer af. And wtf about that was slur, and how could you be more bothered that someone used the word “queer” online more than a dictatorship that genocides queer people.
Unless you hate queer people, and hate being reminded they exist, and you want them to be removed from the world.
What nuance? No one from Hexbear has posted anything nuanced, it’s all whataboutism of every other country that isn’t Russia.
Y’all are literally more offended than anyone would criticize Russia than anything else.
I am a bisexual man. I have two girlfriends and they are both trans. I have a trans cousin. And a litany of trans and otherwise queer friends, on and offline. The way you used queer in your post came off slurish whether you intended it or not. If you want to do liberalism solipism and not believe I could genuinely hold these positions as an american queer go ahead, but I do. I can both hate the Vladimir Putin and the Russian government for what they are doing to their queer population (I am actually very upset and offended by that, much more than your slightly slurish use of the word queer), and recognize that America and NATO do more evil in the world in general than Russia could ever dream of. And that if I want to advance the cause of Communism, the current imperialist world order lead by the United States needs to fall first.
People have posted about the history of the War in Donbass, Ukraine’s Nazi problems that the western media was admitting to right up until the invasion, and NATO encirclement plenty.
I would like to remind you that this is a thread about the Ukraine war. In other threads, believe it or not, we talk about other subjects.
Russia is more imperialist and more capitalist than the US.
Communism, like actual communism? Sounds great to me.
Russia? Is just as close to communism as the sun is to being cold.
Russia is not even close to being more imperialist than the US. I’d describe its actions in Ukraine as revanchist, not imperialist, and to be clear thats still bad. But United States does like 1000% the amount of neoimperalist garbage throughout the global south and thats well documented:
And that article is just the overt stuff, not the just regular old economic plundering of the global south they get up to usually.
More capitalist? Eh, I guess that can be argued. Both countries are run by oligarchs though. The USA is just more polite about it.
We don’t disagree on this and I never stated otherwise. You have very clearly strawmanned me.
hey are you and your two girlfriends single
I mean, one has like 20 other partners and the other one has one other partner so its an open polycule I guess lol, though I dont know any of the first’s other partners. I do exchange Star Trek memes with the second girlfriend’s girlfriend though.