I’ve been using SwiftKey for over a decade now, and I didn’t really realize how potentially horrible it is for privacy. What are some good alternatives you guys can suggest, ideally open source?
My ideal keyboard includes swipe to type and a notepad (to paste certain emoticons like shrug emoji and such).
Thank you!
Unfortunately Gboard is still the best around. Block it’s internet access.
I think that Gboard would still find a way to connect to the mothership.
Yes probably. It’s a compromise and not ideal. I revoke internet access and on Graphene OS not tied to a Google account. We all find our own peace with this kind of thing. Florisboard looked very promising but the swipe text wasn’t implemented last I checked.
Florisboard appears to have been abandoned
I’d love to love Florisboard, but it doesn’t make it easy. Swiping feels great, but it’s dearly missing autocorrect/suggestions and the word recognition is so bad that typing is faster at least 80% of the time, which defeats the purpose.
I hope it gets better in the future.Sadly, seems so. They have swipe now but they don’t have an autocorrect.
So one of the suggestions was to use Invizible Pro to block it’s access. Do you use the same method?
GrapheneOS has a built in firewall but yeah anything that creates a firewall should work.
I see. Thanks!
It’s no better than SwiftKey for privacy though, is it?
Can you still use GIFs and stuff like that if you block its access? Seems like it would be better if we had an equivalent of a hosts file on Android to block or redirect certain addresses.
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This fork is actively developed, supports gestures amd many other features. Try it!
I downloaded that, but gesture support is no working. Do we have to do something else. I already turned on the gesture support option in settings, what am I missing?
You should download this file to your phone. Then in additional settings you should choose load gesture typing library and choose this file. That’s it.
Done it, still not working. Do we have to restart for it to effect??? i even turned on show glide trail, but nothing
Maybe. It started working for me after this steps so 🤷♂️
I’m not sure how to enable swipe on this on. I downloaded and loaded the en-us regular and experimental dictionaries, but its still not swyping.
Edit: Oh wait I got it. You need this library: https://github.com/erkserkserks/openboard/blob/master/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/libjni_latinimegoogle.so
Yup. Gesture support is really good in my experience. Thank you, Google! I hate you but sometimes…
I tried openboard but am missing swipe.
That’s the fork with swiping.
(Don’t be a goof like me and install the Neo Store/Fdroid version and spend 15 minutes wondering how to enable swiping, btw. The version on Github which has swipe is from September 2022, a month after the Fdroid/Neo Store release: https://github.com/erkserkserks/openboard/releases/tag/v1.4.5-gesture-typing)
Too late, I guess ;)
But don’t forget to go into settings and enable the Holo theme for that pure nostalgia goodness :)
I’m glad this is my first time using openboard so that I don’t need this typeof keyboard nostalgia, because, and I don’t want to hurt your feelings, BUT, boy, that theme is ugly.
Sweet! This is more comfortable to use coming from Gboard to ASK. I got used to the issues with ASK but def prefer AOSP keyboards more.
Yeah, thanks! This swipes indeed.
Yep, this is absolutely fantastic. Thanks a bunch! It’s like 85%-90% of my Swiftkey experience, so I’m loving this!
Unfortunately doesn’t have swipe :/ I was just trying it out for 10 minutes or so. I’ll still keep it and try to work around it unless I find something better.
If you download from the github it has swipe.
AnySoftKeyboard is great.
Ive been using this keyboard for around a year now, and compared to Swiftkey and gboard, I absolutely hate anysoftkeyboard with a passion. However, its the best FOSS alternative I’ve come across.
Also, my dogs name is Bowie, so whenever I type his name, the keyboard just starts spitting out David Bowie lyrics across the bottom of the keyboard, so thats kinda cool I guess.
I forgot to mention, ASK also has a very wide selection of languages.
I tried ASK and wasn’t a fan. Unless I’m missing customization options, it lacked the ability to change long press times, there’s an obnoxious empty space above the keyboard, and it was quite poor at auto correcting words that were supposed to have apostrophes. You’ll have to change your bottom row to get the space bar a similar size to Swiftkey (I missed it a fair bit before doing this), and it doesn’t have the hold space bar to move cursor either.
I get that using a different keyboard is going to be an adjustment, being a convert to Colemak, but this one seems just a bit too rough around the edges for me.
E: found the long press adjustment, but now can’t find how to add long press symbols to the keys…maybe I’m just too dumb for this keyboard
E2: Actually, after more messing with it, I’m going to give it another go. Still missing the long press symbols, autocorrect apostrophes, and auto space placement after adding commas and periods though. We’ll see how long I can put up with that.
I’m trying to find the long press adjuster myself, where is it?
UI>Tweaks and more>Tweaks>under behavior tweaks.
I’m not sure ifn you’ve seen the rest of the thread, but there’s a version of OpenBoard that has swipe as well. It’s almost exactly the experience I’ve been looking for. You might like it as well.
OK. Yep open board seems to address all the issues I had with ASK. I’ll definitely give this one a good attempt. Really all my gripes are taken care of, and all in easy to navigate settings. Thanks OP!
Swipe is actually a bit difficult to use with the Colemak layout. With the most common letters all on the home row, much of the swiping just turns into going back and forth on the home row, so you need to be pretty accurate.
I’ll take a look at it though, thanks for the suggestion.
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I was going to recommend AnySoftKeyboard but someone recommended OpenBoard fork with swipe type and that’s by far the best open source keyboard app I’ve used now… Especially coming from gboard
For anyone who wants it: https://github.com/erkserkserks/openboard
Agreed, it’s a fantastic alternative.
Thanks, trying it now and it’s great so far. Also trying to get away from Swiftkey.
i like florisboard: language switching, clipvoard actions, undo/redo, customization, …
FlorisBoard is feature rich.
I’ll check this out, but on their Git they haven’t updated since September 2022 :/
Doesn’t really matter. There will be another update. It’s still actively developed.
So I do appreciate that they have swipe to type, but it doesn’t have a word suggestion feature / autocorrect.
That’s what’s being worked on. Kind of complicated
I’m in kind of the same boat as you op, I’ve been using Swiftkey for 5+ years but have been wanting an altnernative that isn’t associated with the big tech companies for a while. After seeing this post earlier today I decided to give AnySoftKeyboard a shot.
I got it all configured the way I wanted but now I’m actually using it I don’t think it’s gonna work for me tbh. I’ll give it a few days before making a decision though. I wish there more options out there.
On the plus side, I came across this and it made my day:
Hahah, that’s hilarious! I tried ASK as well but gave up after 10-15 minutes of using it.
One of the comments has a link to a fork of OpenBoard that includes swipe (version 1.4.5 or something), and it works really well. The auto correct isn’t as great as Swiftkey (I’m hoping it gets better with time), but the swiping is absolutely solid.
Been using this for about a day now and I don’t see myself going back to Swiftkey. Typed this comment with it, hahah.
GBoard is the one Google app I put in my owner profile. I’ve tried every recommendation I’ve seen and nothing else comes close to how good Gboard is.
I’ve used MessagEase for many years now and I absolutely love it. It’s a very different kind of keyboard and so takes a while to get used to but once you’ve learned to use it properly you can type a lot faster with it on a touch screen with limited real estate.
Ok, I am typing this with that keyboard now, and can see how this could be rather neat once one learns all thkey locations.
Does it collect/transmit the keystrokes to their server?
I can’t claim to be a 100% sure to be honest, but if the information on their privacy info page is accurate, it shouldn’t ask for any android system permissions at all, including internet access:
In particular, MessagEase does not seek Internet access permission.
I installed it. Definitely very different! I’ll give it a fair shot though - looks like there’s been plenty of thought behind its design.
Nice! I hope you will like it.
I’m already liking it - I’ve switced to it as my main keyboard. I’m actually typing this on my phone (miserably slowly 😂 - it definitely needs practice getting used to.) I think it’s a good practice for the memory muscles & the brain! Thanks.
Glad to hear it and I hope Exideas’ admittedly questionable support won’t be a big issue going forward for you. It hasn’t really been for me - the app is pretty solid. It saddens me that novel designs like this never seem to catch on, between public inertia and established corporate actors actively trying to suppress anything new.
Floriaboard deserves a shoutout. As a multilingual, I value the mixing languages without switching them. Takes some time to adjusr and no autocorrect for now, but it’s getting there.
Dude, thanks to recommend this, as a multilingual I’m tired of the default keyboard of E/os that doesn’t have this feature.
Different apporach: use the keyboard you like and block its internet access using invizible pro/netguard/afwall.
I had the same problem, after using openboard for a long time, and now I’m doing this, using gboard and blocking it with invizible pro.
I’ll look into this, thanks for the suggestion!
Look at the AnySoft keyboard, available from F-Droid.
It has emojis like the one you mentioned inbuilt.
I use Gboard and have been meaning to find an alternative, so this is a useful thread though it seems the concensus is there aren’t really any.
What I’d love to do is completely remove any reference to stickers and gifs from the emojis selection but it’s not possible. The emojis button can be removed from the keyboard, maybe it’s time to go back to traditional ASCII.
Check out the comment about the version of OpenBoard that supports swipe. I’m using it right now, actually. It’s not perfect but serves as a solid alternative to Swiftkey.
Thanks! Using it now, perfect!
OMG I hate the stickers. I used to accidentally send them all the time when trying to hit the comma. I uninstalled all the stickers packs, which means I can’t accidentally send them now, but I still accidentally hit the button since you can’t remove it for some dumb-ass reason.
OK, this doesn’t have swipe to type or a notepad, but I’m trying out Thumb-Key. It’s a very different sort of keyboard, almost akin to the old-fashioned way of texting with just the number keys on a phone, just updated for a smartphone screen. The problem is that it takes practice/memorization to learn, because it’s a whole new layout. It’s open source and very privacy conscious (there’s no predictive text or autocorrect).
I started using it about a month ago, and I’m now having a pretty good muscle memory. I like how having larger keys makes it much easier to “touch-type” (even thought I can barely do it, but I see the potential).
The only thing I’m missing is auto-completing my email and home address, but oh well.
Any of these allow you to change the size of individual keys like Smasung Keyboard?