My female cousin has today her 18th birthday and I completely forgot about it. Help me think of some good presents to quickly buy and give to her.
Edit: Already bought a few presents. Thanks to everyone for tips.
The safe bet is straight cash or a gift card
Cash, cash, cash. And a card that says you consulted with the women in your life and they recommended it. 👍
You know her better than us. Some pointer though
Books, it’s a gift for everybody and everybody loves them
Some fun stuff reffering to a private joke. Works better with adult who have everything but still works for teens
A good bottle of wine? She is an adult now
A concert ticket for whatever artists she might like
A good bottle of wine? She is an adult now
unless the drinking age is 21 where they live… (in the us. yes. we’re puritanical.)
I second the books. Go to a bookstore and find something that would make you both laugh. Another option is if she’s into any sort of crafts. Knitting, maybe? (but only if you KNOW. and then I highly recomend gift cards. or at the very least receipts.)
finally, does anybody say ‘no’ to their favorite candy?
The problem with wine is that she dislikes them in general but a book sounds also good.
Hehe. Maybe a coloring book and a few crayons if you fancy some whimsy.
Not wine but I was also thinking about alcohol, maybe Jack Daniels. I know she likes that one.
depending on how good you guys know each other you could gift her an event that you both can go to together (concert, cinema(barbenheimer;), bowling etc)
It’s already in the comments, but you can’t go wrong with cash or a gift card.
If you know of her favorite movie or TV star, musical favorite, internet or YouTube ‘star’, or something similar look through Cameo and see if they are on the site. They have hundreds of popular (and obscure) choices to send a birthday message personalized to her, many of which would have the video sent to you in a matter of hours but she might treasure for a long time.
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Gift certificate to a pizza place or coffee shop, some place she might visit with friends.
Either a tangle free hairbrush or a hairbrush with ions, almost every female has a tangle free brush but they are always old and needs replacing. Not a lot of them have ion hairbrushes that help remove static from hair.
tangle free hairbrush? that sounds interesting.
But doesn’t it make you look like you went through their stuff? I would be very confused if you gave me that.
No, that means you understand women, I have 3 sisters, every 5 years i gift them brushes for smaller ocasions like valentine, they usualy are happy and use the new one for a long time. Somehow they love boxes too, they put jewlery, small appliences in to them.
Would these work for long haired boys as well? My son might could use one.
Well, glad to know that everyone on the internet is male. ;)
What about a gift card to a streaming service? I don’t know that is available where she is located. You could gift a few months of something like Hulu or Max with some suggestions of movies or TV shows to watch.
You could also gift something like Spotify Premium and include suggestions for new artists that you think she’d like or even build a playlist to share with her.
It’s likely she’s into K-pop.
haha very risky play
Perhaps a live squid? I have a source that says they’re all the rage with 18 year old female cousins right now.
She hates K-pop probably more than I do but I took care for everything so I don’t have to think about it anymore.