I’m looking to host a (very) basic website - assume limited technical knowledge - most likely with WordPress (though I am open to alternative suggestions).
Do ppl have recommendations on non US hosting platforms where I can also purchase a domain?
Price is of course important but not high up on my list, I would rather spend money to make sure its non US and as easy as possible to use.
infomanaiak is based in switzerland and does hosting as well as dns
note that i literally just googled this, i dont have any experience with them but they seem like a good company (incresingly employee owned!)
– their web host is like 6€/month https://www.infomaniak.com/en/hosting/web-hosting
– about them https://www.infomaniak.com/en/about
Employer owned peaks my interest. Ta! Will have a look.
I did a Google search as well before I asked the question here - hopefully I get some use case replies.