Yes, Ron, everyone knows Clean Coal™️ is the one true source of non-pollution.
Is anyone stupid enough to believe this?
Yes… People are stupid
I used to ride the bus with a lady who grew up in a coal town. We once debated over coal. She said it was so green because there were so many regulations and that wind and solar were horrible for the environment because they were killing birds. So yeah, people are stupid.
Glass windows kill birds too when they try to fly through them. How exactly did she think solar power could kill birds or be bad?
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PV panels, not really, but concentrated solar can and does kill birds. Not nearly as many as coal, though, lol.
Instant rotisserie chicken!
No, they aren’t. In 15 or 20 years, however, when people have left their indoctrination camps disguised as schools …
Children in school
Yep. They’re trying to get their lies in as these children’s first belief on the matter. Anyone pushing a different view (such as the truth) will then have to defeat this belief first. Same thing religions do, because they know their stuff doesn’t stand up to neutral mature scrutiny.
Belief in Clean Coal would be an improvement for his brain!
He’s currently trying to pave Florida roads with literal radioactive mining waste.
It’s fine though, if you say “radioactive” his supporters will insist it must be nuclear.
My Dad just last night was complaining about wind farms…
Damn, America’s really fucking dumb.
Florida* I’m from California and I’ll be damned if I’m lumped in with most of the rest of the US (Oregon and Washington are great though).
Eh, the populated areas of Oregon and Washington are chill. The rural areas are scary.
As someone who grew up in rural Washington on the threshold of populated Washington, yeah shit gets pretty fucked really quick in those rural areas.
It was a really religious area as well so that really didn’t help. The local religious people have a strong belief in having as many children as possible as soon as possible. The running non-joke (because it’s common) about it is the first kid to turn 16 drives the 3rd van.
California is like that too, we’re not special unfortunately
Very true!
Yeah it gets pretty embarrassing the more east, southeast ya go. SMH
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From your PNW neighbor, thanks!
We’re a great coalition of states, even with the red areas we have to drag kicking and screaming into this century.
I truly believe if the US went to shit California, Oregon and Washington would end up as one of the resulting territories. It makes a lot of geopolitical sense.
BC joins and we become Cascadia!
(except I could have sworn it included California originally. It does for me!)
Remember this when Florida is flooding.
There’s a chance by that point they’ll literally be able to blame climate change on green energy. Remember there were people in Florida blaming wind turbines for a hurricane a few years back. It’s not like the conservative base looks at facts and data, they believe what they’re told and if they get told solar causes Florida to sink they’ll believe it.
This feels like corpos laying the groundwork for the next stage of climate denial – as the signs become undeniable, they’ll blame it on anything besides their fossil fuels.
Remember there were people in Florida blaming wind turbines for a hurricane a few years back.
So now it’s wind turbines causing hurricanes? I was told it was the existence of gay people. Which is it, conservatives?
Yeah, figureitout there bud
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Atlantis got flooded and look how famous it is today.
We’ll soon see Ron dAtlantis
But I thought it was the left that’s indoctrinating children?
That’s what they need to convince their base in order to get them to support their indoctrination schemes. They’ve convinced so many people that simply teaching science and history is leftist indoctrination, and they need to combat it with their own propaganda.
“attacking solar and wind because “their batteries break down and become hazardous waste””
My solar array has no batteries, it powers the house during the day and generates 2x to 3x the power which is fed back to the grid which gives me credits that pays for the energy we use after the sun goes down
My “electric bill” went from over $100 a month to $13, which is really just the associated taxes and fees.
I guess nobody explained that setup to him.
They (Mr. Oil, Mr. Coil and Mrs. Nuke) explained to him that they are loosing $87 from your electric bill what will effect their profits and donations to him.
What interest group does Mr. Coil represent?
:D sorry, of course the coal guy, not the one with the fancy hairstyle.
PragerU has produced anti-climate policy videos since shortly after it began in 2009. The Prager foundation has received millions of dollars from the billionaire brothers, Farris and Dan Wilks of Texas, who made their fortune in fracking.
PragerU has received additional funding from foundations that oppose climate regulations such as the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.
PragerU CEO Streit said her group has tapped into angry parents who want their politics reflected more in classrooms.
I see conservatives have already shifted from “take politics out of the classroom” to “put our politics into the classroom”.
That’s what it always was. Many people view. “Politics” as simply being anything they don’t like or disagree with.
Or anything that’s not the status quo.
This is common, and it’s why a lot of conservatives describe themselves as “not political” while acting and voting conservative. From their perspective it’s just all these annoying people stirring things up and demanding change to a perfectly good situation who are the political ones.
In general, when someone says “I’m not political,” I hear “I’m unreflectively conservative.”
If someone is lobbying for climate change denial then they’re guilty of something morally akin to treason, but it’s not treason itself because instead of just betraying just their country they’re betraying their entire species.
Reminds me of how Trump has been going after wind farms for a long time. He claims they’re noisy and they’re killing all the birds. (He began saying this when Scotland wanted to place Wind farms near his Scottish golf resort)
It’s almost silly to look into bird deaths and realize just how low wind power is on the list, even with its rapid growth in recent years. It was recently estimated that with the expected growth of wind power, it will be killing about 2.2 million birds a year in the US… in 2050. Meanwhile, power lines kill anywhere from 12 to 48 million a year right now, fossil-fueled power plants kill as many as 14 million a year right now, communication towers kill over 5 million, cars 60-80 million, pesticides as much as 90 million, and cats well over a billion. Every year. The numbers aren’t that hard to find. Replacing all fossil-fueled power plants with wind turbines would be a net positive for bird populations, and the facts make that very clear. they actually cared about birds they’d shut up about wind power and try to get rid of cats instead
Like Bob Barker said, spay and neuter your pets.
And keep your cats indoors!! Outdoor cat pets should be illegal.
(Maybe there’s a case for farm cats keeping vermin population in check? I don’t know enough to have an opinion on that.)
What an idiot, birds aren’t even real.
Problem was that they are government agents/drones/whatever and this is costly for the government
They did have an effect on birds though. I think it was almost entirely mitigated by painting one blade black, if memory serves, but it was based on some truth.
Please don’t give their statement any credibility without adding the important context. Based in some truth may be technically accurate, but when compared to all the other possible causes of bird death it’s basically inconsequential.
If there’s a solution, such as painting one blade a different color, then great. We can leave it up to the turbine engineers and wildlife agencies to address it, it doesn’t need to be part of any news cycle. Giving their outlandish claim any air at all lends it far too much weight.
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Luckily the world is bigger than the US/Florida
But is it big enough to survive US/Florida
Unfortunately the US has a tendency to export their particular brand of crazy to the rest of the world
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In our old age, Millennials and Zoomers will envy the respect the Baby Boomers are given today. We’ll say “I was one of the good ones, I voted against this!”
I somehow feel this will backfire spectacularly. Younger kids can be dumb like the rest of us, but there is one thing they are exceptionally smart about: spotting and mocking lame-ass adults.
There is already little tolerance among (a lot of) younger folk for climate denialism and general right wing jackassery. Adding a cut-rate Donald Duck screeching about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or how windmills are dangerous is just gonna’ cement the lameness for them. Now, if we could just do something about the grown-up idiots on Facebook, we’d be cooking.
but there is one thing they are exceptionally smart about: spotting and mocking lame-ass adults.
I think fucked up education, if started at the first grade, or even kindergarten will do the job. The unfixable ‘problem’ DeSantis faces, is that teachers are typically not idiots and also it’s not easy to force them to teach a fake curriculum and you cannot just replace them with mind washed rednecks, probably not even in Florida.
Yep. I also think the ham-fisted way they are rolling this out is a projection of how they think the ‘libruls’ are brainwashing the kids.
Rather than educated people coming to educated conclusions on their own across vast segments of society, it is almost as if they think there is this secret committee of hooded Illuminati that generates Disney princess woke coloring books to turn little Billy-Bob away from Jesus, and the rest of the country just marches unthinkingly in lockstep with those orders. So of course, that is the playbook they want to follow.
Florida students who want to go to college in other states will need months of remedial education to catch up.
Why would those colleges admit them? Any college worth attending already has more than enough qualified applicants.
Is the SOB trying to burn the planet down or what? That’s criminal. I wish those POS could be held accountable for the dangerous ideas they push.
Oh we can and should hold them accountable all right.
Florida kids are going to grow up and leave Florida and be like “What the fuck?” Why is the rest of the world different from what o was taught.
Leave Florida? The majority of Americans never travel more than a few hundred miles from where they’re born. And an overwhelming majority never leave the US.
reminder: the greatest things you can do to help the environment: Go Vegan; Don’t have kids; if you can, walk/catch public transport/cycle.
I would say that stop voting a**holes is even better (and the best thing is, you can do both!)
But if I don’t vote for this climate genocidal asshole, an even worse climate genocidal asshole might win!
Veganism is a moral philosophy regarding the treatment of animals. I feel it is disingenuous to present veganism as a solution to climate change. What if we discover a way of torturing animals that tends to restore the environment? Then you’re fucked. Call it a plant-based diet, not veganism.
what if all the current vegans started eating CEO’s and politicians instead? Would that not help more?
there’d be an endless supply of food, that’s for sure.
Ok so I have a question about one thing in your list.
If you don’t have kids then you would not have people to continue your virtue and belief on the next generation. While the people who are denying climate change have all the kids they can spit out of their body. And guess what, children are the ones who have a higher percentage of continuing their parents beliefs.
So in a few generation their side will outnumber your side.
You can still do that by adopting kids someone else made. No sense adding to the population when some kids already don’t have parents.
yup. there are HEAPS of loving kids needing homes. There’s no need to add to an overpopulation already when there are so many kids needing homes already.
What overpopulation are you talking about?
You make a good point but then again, the numbers game would still be tilted in favor of those who multiply the most.
Why not have 1 child and adopt another, preferably of the same age so that both children won’t be lonely and have someone to depend on as family when the parents are gone.
there’s nothing that says you can only adopt one kid :)
Climate change really has to be solved in this generation. You’re thinking too long term, we don’t have that kind of time.
Additionally, not all children of climate sociopaths become sociopaths. The planet increasingly makes a convincing argument even for those who weren’t taught to hear. That’s why the old propagandists have to ramp up their effort
Buddy thinks he can fuck his way out out of a human-induced climate crisis. You don’t suppose that maybe your biological drives are warping your reasoning, eh, buddy?
I would like to add using e-skateboards, e-bikes, OneWheels, to the tail end of your suggestions. I’m 31, no kids, I’ve never owned a car and I use my onewheel for grocery runs, to pick up my prescriptions, etc.
Edit: I feel compelled to say “I’m doing my part” like Starship Troopers, lmao
Thank you for doing this, but unless we have systemic change, this is just feel-good shit.
I agree that the world does not need “you” to reduce your footprint to zero. But people do have collective power. If everyone reduced their footprint a bit, that would make a dent.
Even better is if everyone realized that the big polluting beasts are fed by us. Everyone withholding just a little money from these corporations makes the graph of their profit go from pointing up to pointing down. And they sit up and take notice at that, even if they are still making billions annually. They are literally a house of cards and we are the bottom layer.
Nah, any reduction is good, including social encouragement for others to join you in things like going car-free. Plus, outside of the environmental effects, cars are horrifically unsafe things when used en masse, and every one we take off the road makes our neighbors safer.
When you subtract 1 from 1,000,000, you wouldn’t be wrong in saying there is a reduction, but is it significant enough? Or is it just febreezing a giant pile of shit?
“I don’t want to change, everyone else should change”.
Yep that’s not what I’m saying but alright.
Systemic change is going to force the same lifestyle changes anyway.
Right? It’s like people want to be forced at gunpoint to do the things they know they SHOULD be doing now. What the fuck??
Who says I’m doing nothing? Im just saying you don’t understand human behavior if you think that “we just need to change” is the answer. People are lazy and need incentive to do shit. So systemic implementations are always going to be more effective.
Oh, I know. It’s not like I intentionally did any of it. I just like OneWheels and never saw the point in owning a 4 wheeled death trap that costs money monthly(insurance), and could easily get my black ass sent to jail or shot. Especially while I was deep in my binge drinking.
Don’t have kids
I maybe wouldn’t go that far, I would rather have a kid and teach them how to make this fucked world better.
I’m single anyway, tho, so little do I know.
Go truly vegan: go fuck yourself and eat shit.
Go truly vegan: go fuck yourself and eat shit.
This dude isn’t just grifting, he’s actually just straight up evil.
I’m a parent and I sure af would not tolerate this fucking corporate propaganda being forced on my son.