While Baldur’s Gate 3 is being widely celebrated by fans and developers alike, some are panicking that this could set new expectations from fans. Good.

  • AMuscelid@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    It’s an issue of time and scalability. Going from 100 employees to 200 employees wont make the game in half the time. And corporate accounting would rather have 2 mediocre games per year than 1 extremely good game every 2 years, even if it sold 4 times as well since revenue is analyzed within fiscal years and financing isn’t free. Capitalism sucks.

    • Murvel@lemm.ee
      2 years ago

      Capitalism sucks.

      All the greatest games ever made were created in capitalistic economies so i cannot see how that is a determining factor. I don’t know what games your thinking of. Tetris?

      • irmoz@reddthat.com
        2 years ago

        I think you’re missing the point. They’re just saying the incentive structure of capitalism doesn’t necessarily encourage the best types of games. We see this with borked EA launches, predatory MTX, loot boxes, battle passes, etc

      • maynarkh@feddit.nl
        2 years ago

        I think there is a difference between “capitalism” and “capitalism”.

        I think a more nuanced argument is that better games come from companies that are not primarily driven by the quarterly revenue cycle of Wall Street, that is defined as “capitalism”.

        I think it’s more of a hit-and-miss, and good corporate leadership is the kind that people forget it’s there when good games come out. I mean CDPR had a CEO both when Witcher 3 was the thing, and also when Cyberpunk 2077 was the thing that flopped. Obviously, people were more interested in the beancounters’ influence in the latter case.

      • SkyeStarfall@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        2 years ago

        We don’t exactly have many non-capitalistic economies.

        But we have games that people made outside of the incentives of capitalism. i.e., because they wanted to make the game they wanted to make. This is what has created the absolute best games in existence. Not the incentive of money.

        Was terraria made for the purposes of money? Was outer wilds? No. They were passion projects. Of course they had to earn money, because you need to earn money to survive, but that wasn’t their primary goals. Contrary to games such as call of duty or whatever. Which are just incredibly bland in comparison.

        I mean see how much microtransactions, loot boxes, etc. Is ruining the atmosphere of games and exploiting the hell out of people and kids. Don’t tell me devs are putting that in because that is what their dream game would contain. No, they put it in purely because of capitalistic incentives. Would you argue that that is good?

        • ampersandrew@kbin.social
          2 years ago

          Making a good product is an incentive of capitalism too. Microtransactions, battle passes, loot boxes, and other “live service” trappings dilute once-good products because people are often too attached to brands. As people tire of bad products, good ones can come along and thrive, which is what Battlebit appears to be doing for Battlefield fans, what Baldur’s Gate 3 appears to be doing for RPGs, and what Elden Ring and the last two Zelda games are doing for open world games; what Cities: Skylines did for SimCity fans and maybe what Life By You could do for Sims fans. There’s money to be made for making a good version of something that the reigning champs screwed up, abandoned, couldn’t think of, or didn’t bother to bring to market; that’s capitalism.

          • SkyeStarfall@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            2 years ago

            Do you think those games wouldn’t have been made without capitalism?

            All of those examples are driven by people wanting to make a good game because that is their passion.

            If they were given infinite resources to make a game, and would gain nothing else beyond just a decent standard of living or whatever, do you think they wouldn’t made them? Because I think they would.

            • ampersandrew@kbin.social
              2 years ago

              How hypothetical are we getting here? Somehow we live in a world where everyone has infinite resources? Capitalism just distributes the finite ones we have to things that people buy. A government can do that as well, but we don’t have a great track record of them being able to buck the realities of where those resources need to go. If there’s a UBI, you could end up with more games of the scope of Stardew Valley, or once tools and game engines get to be good enough, you could end up with more games that are feasible to be made by one or two people in a handful of years like that one was. But Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring, Zelda…no, probably not. I can’t predict the future, but they seem to be impossible to be made by small teams even with magical game engines that automate a lot of work that went in to make them.

              Once you get beyond the profit motive, you’re now at this point where you need to hire more people. Anything beyond really small teams are going to have a hard time sticking to someone else’s vision unless one person is the boss calling the shots; otherwise known as the one with capital, paying those other talented people to work toward that goal. Of the 600 people making Baldur’s Gate 3, I’ll bet 550 of them disagreed on lots of directions that it went in, and it just becomes an insurmountable problem to wrangle that many people otherwise and keep them on track. If you don’t need the money and you disagree with what the boss is doing, you’ll just do your own project instead.

              Meanwhile, we just got a Titan Quest II announcement, which I’ll bet is a reaction to the general direction Blizzard has been going in since Diablo Immortal was announced, much like I was saying earlier. There’s also another perspective I’d like to add on here, which proves both of our points. Ryan Clark of Brace Yourself Games, makers of Crypt of the NecroDancer, used to do a YouTube show called Clark Tank, similar to Shark Tank, talking about how to make indie games that make money. Creatives have tons of passion projects they want to make, and you’ll never get through all of them in a lifetime. However, you know types of games that you would like to make, that you can observe are also making money, that you’re confident you can deliver while they’re still popular, so that you can profit, expand, and repeat the cycle. In a sense, passion projects and what the market is asking for via where they’re spending their money.

              • SkyeStarfall@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                2 years ago

                My point was that capitalism and its incentives do not create good games.

                Capitalism rewards profit at any cost, and nothing more. In the end this allows for cash grabs and terrible working conditions, which the industry is riddled with. Good games would still have gotten made without these incentives.

                There’s many assumptions in this text, and it ignores great games that were financial flops (or couldn’t get made in the first place), and terrible ones (like gacha games or basically the whole mobile games ecosystem) which are greatly rewarded and successful. There are so many resources wasted on objectively not good things for players such as how to exploit their psyche to spend money which compromises the game design, or resources spent on stuff like marketing just because that’s what pays back, instead of spending those on making a better game.

                I would argue that capitalism’s incentives hampers the creation of good games if anything. Because now instead of thinking what makes a game good, devs are instead forced or incentivized to think what makes money. And they are very much not the same thing.

                • ampersandrew@kbin.social
                  2 years ago

                  Someone could make the best game of all time according to one random guy, but if it’s not a game I want, I’m not playing it, and there are games I’d like to be made so that I can play them. Great games that people want to play create profit. Exploitative games also profit, but I’d lay that at the feet of poor regulation. If you want to profit, generally, you’re making a game that as many people as possible will want to play, or a game that enough want to play but that itch hasn’t been scratched by your competitors. How do you make money with Baldur’s Gate 3? You make a really good Baldur’s Gate game, and then people buy it. Even the exploitative games are desirable to their audience for one reason or another before they get to the exploitative parts.

      • NuPNuA@lemm.ee
        2 years ago

        Without capitalism Tetris would have remained an obscure piece of shareware probably vaguely known outside of ex-soviet nations. It’s only the desire to monitise the IP that saw it on every platform under the sun and packaged with every Gameboy.

        • acastcandream@beehaw.org
          2 years ago

          Yeah but some companies straight up lied and/or distributed illegally without a license and made millions, which also wasn’t cool or fair to the creator. So “capitalism” isn’t exactly the hero here either.

          Everyone at the top ultimately fought over and profited from the work of a professor at a university who saw nothing. And no one in the Soviet Inion, the US, or any other country sought to make that right. 

          • NuPNuA@lemm.ee
            2 years ago

            Yeah, the creator didn’t profit at the time because of communism and their belief that his creation belonged to the state. If he had been in a capitalist country at the time he could have copyrighted his game asap and exploited it for profit himself.

            • acastcandream@beehaw.org
              2 years ago

              Yes because as we all know, creators are protected in the US and always profit from their own works more than companies attempting to exploit them. Come on man. This is so naive there is no way you actually believe this. It wasn’t made in the US and our businesses still found a way to exploit it through crimes and invalid licenses. Yes, actual illegal activity.

              It’s also purely conjecture.

              • NuPNuA@lemm.ee
                2 years ago

                At the very least a smart creator in the US can go to a solicitor and make sure he isn’t being mugged off before they sign a deal, you didn’t have that that with the Soviet Government.

                Yes lots of creators have been screwed by the people that worked for, notably in the comics field. But a lot of the time it’s because they signed a contract having no inkling how big the work would be.

                • acastcandream@beehaw.org
                  2 years ago

                  But a lot of the time it’s because they signed a contract having no inkling how big the work would be.

                  Why does tricking people somehow seem better to you? You are way too ardent a defender of intentional, greedy bad actors.

                  • NuPNuA@lemm.ee
                    2 years ago

                    I don’t believe some people were tricked but we’re a victim of their own success. Take Alan Moore and Watchman for example. He signed the deal that he would get the rights to the book back once it went out of print as that’s how the industry model worked at the time. The book was so popular that it’s stayed in print for the last 40 odd years, so the rights didn’t revert. Maybe DC should have renegotiated things in light of that, but I see that he and they went into the deal on good faith based on industry realities at the time.

      • acastcandream@beehaw.org
        2 years ago

        Despite capitalism.

        Baldur’s Gate 3 flies in the face of how capitalism generally impacts video games. They were given six years, hundreds of millions of dollars, and basically full autonomy. They did not have top down pressure to do anything other than what they were promising. They set their own goals and metrics and were given seemingly limitless resources spanning multiple countries and a massive development team to make it happen. Boards do not generally like those kind of gambles, because frankly they could have chopped that budget up into 4 pieces, released 4 decent games, and it would have been a safer bet that would’ve generated a lot of money faster. Instead, they put all their eggs in one basket and chased massive scope, which we’ve seen many developers fail at while attempting again and again.

        BG3 is the exception, not the rule. They were given an opportunity to show what they could do when given free reign. Then they didn’t deploy micro transactions or DLC. Two versions of the game on virtually every platform except the switch (even Mac OS native release next month) regardless of the market share each platform has. 

        Decision after decision shows that they were basically artists/professionals who showed us what they were capable of when the pressures of capitalism were not at play in the same way everyone else feels. And make no mistake, you should not just let every developer do whatever they want with boundless resources. But the fact that they got to pretty much do that, at least relatively speaking to everyone else, is once again despite capitalism. Not because of it. 

        • ampersandrew@kbin.social
          2 years ago

          Counter point: Baldur’s Gate is selling well within capitalism because it satisfies what the customer wants, which capitalism rewards in an environment with lots of competition, and video games have lots of competition. As big publishers like Ubisoft, EA, Activision-Blizzard, and Take Two have scaled back their offerings of lots of different types of games, including the type of RPG that Larian makes, it’s no surprise that the likes of Larian are rewarded for making that type of game. It’s why companies like Embracer, Anna Purna, Devolver, and Paradox are going to be growing a ton over the next decade.

        • bmaxv@noc.social
          2 years ago

          @acastcandream @Murvel

          Trust me, I get it and I agree, #capitalism sucks. Mostly.

          But that’s not how it works.

          You can’t just take an arbitrary event and claim it came to be despite the circumstances, not because of them.

          Like, that’s not how causality works.

          Besides, It’s a way stronger argument to point at the overwhelming amount of bad games and bad features and say those got produced under capitalism and that’s why it’s bad full stop.

          • acastcandream@beehaw.org
            2 years ago

            You have an argument here, but you also can’t just take an arbitrary event and claim it to be because of the circumstances as a result.

             I’m not convinced for instance that this game could have been made by an American studio with American publishers because of how we deploy capitalism in the video game industry.