So I’ve been using Linux now for a while, and am looking to migrate my dev environment to vim and spend more time in the command line. I’m fairly comfortable with bash but by no means an expert. I’ve used zsh with some minor customization but just recently learned about fish. I’d love to hear people’s opinions.

    2 years ago

    I use a mix of fish and nu depending on what I’m doing. NuShell is great but still pretty buggy, so I use fish as my default and switch to it when I want to use its features.

    I still write most of my stuff in bash however since servers I work with typically only have bash, and so are potential coworkers.

    But locally I see no point restricting myself to a POSIX compatible shell, especially for interactive shells. The easier and faster it is to use and customize the better. Being able to parse and use JSON and CSV and other things easily and natively right in the shell is a major quality of life improvement!