Screenshot says it. Please recommend alternative Leftist news sources. I am in UK but I read news from anywhere, any language if my browser can access it/translate it.
Here in UK, I have tried The Canary, Novara Media, Byline Times, Morning Star - all have strengths and weaknesses, none are a perfect fit. Still looking for my ‘daily paper’.
I like Aljazera and Christian Science monitor (oddly unbiased and not Christian related)
Aljazeera is good. I once read CSM and thought it surprisingly good, not what I expected from the title, but that was around 1980s - have never seen it in recent years!
The Christian Science Monitor is amazing, and from it’s name you’d never expect it.
My grandmother was a Christian Scientist. I respect her but it’s a baffling cultish offshot.
Its basis, though, was in radiacal feminism in the late 1800s. I used to read the Christian Science Monitor when we would visit her when I was a kid.
A large part of why I defaulted to atheism is from the fact that my Dad’s parents were never openly religious, my Dad is a Buddhist, my mom was nominally Christian, her mom we already discussed, and her Dad was a Congregationalist Minister and organ player.
I figured none of them could be right and it was better to try to be a good person without those structures.
Grandma and I never saw eye to eye, unfortunately.