Farmer relies on government grants and immigrant workers.

Farmer votes for candidate who vows to block government grants and immigrant workers.

Farmer is surprised when government grants and immigrant workers are blocked.

    6 days ago

    The farm has been in her family for generations but has struggled over the past several years amid the rising cost of fuel, fertilizer and other operating expenses. […] Since taking over the family farm in 2019 […]

    While I fully admit running a farm is a massive endeavor, the fact that the farm started having persistent issues shortly after she took over indicates to me that at least part of the problem is poor management.

    “The American worker doesn’t like labor, they don’t like to do laborious jobs,” Carlson said. “They don’t want to do the hard labor, and that’s what’s frustrating, because we would love to hire U.S. workers, but we can’t get them to show up. We can’t get them to follow through. We can’t get them to finish the season.”

    The American worker is perfectly happy to perform laborious jobs - just not at the rate you’re willing to pay them. It’s called “acting your wage”.

      6 days ago

      In defense of farms, they’re squeezed from both ends. She’s not entirely wrong that it’s getting harder and harder to be an independent farmer and as things get worse, the small farms are bought up by the mega corporations.

      What she’s wrong about is that a carpetbagger from manhattan would ever do anything for her. One of the big things that would help small farmers get labor would be for this country to get a real single payer healthcare option. Many, many people would tolerate a lower wage if their healthcare was covered. We could also start getting rid of the subsidies that only the major farms get and are using it to undercut smaller farms. Two things the republicans would never do.

      6 days ago

      Isn’t that just the free market in action? Can’t find workers, raise the wages until you do. Supply and demand right there. You demand workers and they demand you supply an acceptable wage.