Farmer relies on government grants and immigrant workers.
Farmer votes for candidate who vows to block government grants and immigrant workers.
Farmer is surprised when government grants and immigrant workers are blocked.
Fk them. Most of them are subsidies beggars.
I truly wish these people would wake up. I know we’re mostly smarter than these people so the schadenfreude it’s easy to come by, but most of us aren’t thriving under capitalism, and 100% of us are compromising voting for one of the two viable political parties.
I didn’t vote for the guy and even I didn’t even imagine the level of destruction and chaos that’s come so far.
I didn’t vote for the guy and even I didn’t even imagine the level of destruction and chaos that’s come so far.
It’s been pretty astonishing. I was expecting a lot of vindictive attacks on those who he though had wronged him, and an element of tearing down anything that might regulate his buddies’ industries, but this is a level or 5 beyond that. It’s like their trying to go as fast as possible, doing as much damage as possible before someone stops them. In fact, I suspect it’s exactly that, they know that some form of opposition will eventually form, and are trying to get as much done as possible before that happens. I imagine they can’t believe their luck at how long it’s taking.
The farm has been in her family for generations but has struggled over the past several years amid the rising cost of fuel, fertilizer and other operating expenses. […] Since taking over the family farm in 2019 […]
While I fully admit running a farm is a massive endeavor, the fact that the farm started having persistent issues shortly after she took over indicates to me that at least part of the problem is poor management.
“The American worker doesn’t like labor, they don’t like to do laborious jobs,” Carlson said. “They don’t want to do the hard labor, and that’s what’s frustrating, because we would love to hire U.S. workers, but we can’t get them to show up. We can’t get them to follow through. We can’t get them to finish the season.”
The American worker is perfectly happy to perform laborious jobs - just not at the rate you’re willing to pay them. It’s called “acting your wage”.
Isn’t that just the free market in action? Can’t find workers, raise the wages until you do. Supply and demand right there. You demand workers and they demand you supply an acceptable wage.
“I’ll admit to you, I bleed Republican. However, this has left a sour taste in my mouth,” Carlson said.
Keep bleeding, then.
And the EU starts putting tariffs on farm products from the USA, so that bleeding could increase.
They did this to us. The farmers. We know who they voted for, as a group. Fuck 'em. Let them reap what they sow.