Oh in the middle of a very important decision. Wish me luck guys
All the best!
May the odds be in your favour :3
The new Inkscape UI is amazing.
Woah, can’t wait to try. I used inkscape and the ui is terrible.
I’ve been using Inkscape with this kind of UI for a while now. I can’t recall when they changed from the awful gray one, but for a good chunk of this year it’s been like what’s shown in the video.
Ah, the last time I used it was about 2.5 years ago. I never really used Inkscape much after buying CSP because I didn’t like Inkscape’s UI.
It’s been a very busy week. Tasks coming in one after another. And now today I have one exam to go through. Sigh. Mind is so occupied I forgot that I haven’t jerk off in a while now.
Good thing tomorrow is the start of weekend!
idk man, feeling mentally tired together with post-nut clarity is not a great feeling either.
Went for massage here
1 hour isn’t enough when your entire body is aching all over.
That feeling when the song artist put the piece “I Won’t Let Go” right before “All Gone”
@hyattpotter@monyet.cc I just got an Enru set! It just says to down 1-2 satchets a day. Is there a certain timing to do it, or before/after meal/exercise? Just do it any time of the day? First time doing this lol @_@
I do it before my meals in the morning, then evening. I do skip dinner. All the best, and do take note that not everybody’s body react the same way. If you do find something is off, please stop taking it, yea?
Hi folks, Kingdom Rush Vengeance is free on Android.
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