The vast majority of the posts I saw on Reddit were complaining. I have no complaints. I like the video game. Thank.
I am enjoying it as well! I just hit Act 5. Was pretty deliberate about doing side quests for the first two acts, but then started just steam-rolling the main questline so that I could get through the storymode. I’m doing this as a sorc, and haven’t felt and extreme desire to check out the other classes yet, but am excited to do so. However, I feel like there is so much left to do on my main character! I would say I’m about 15-20 hours in so far, just hit level 41 or so.
I wouldn’t even call it a complaint and more of nostalgia, in that I miss my speed blitz T16 WW barb. But I don’t expect this game to get to that level of ridiculous for a while.
There are definitely some things that could be improved, but over all I think it’s pretty fun. Some people I play with are often suffering from severe lag and stuttering, making the game borderline unplayable at those times. Sucks when you wipe on an encounter because one player couldn’t move their character for several seconds, and if someone complains about that I think it’s justified. Haven’t checked reddit so I don’t know what they’re talking about. Anyway I’ve heard devs are working on it, so hopefully it gets fixed soon.
I wouldn’t worry about the general negativity in larger communities. I find “majority of video game community posts are negative” to be the norm. The people that are enjoying the game are playing it, the people who aren’t are on the forums complaining.