I wish more RPGs were set in era reminiscent of late 19th century. Not many fantasy settings use it. One excellent book series that does use it is the Bartimaeus trilogy.
I dunno about worshipped but to me pathfinder wotr has so many good quality of life improvements and better ui overall. Pathfinder also feels more like a proper successor to baldur’s gate mechanically and the old infinity engine. I am still enjoying bg3 though.
I get frustrated every single time I want to use a companion’s special power and I have to run around mashing the A button trying to click on them, often in the middle of combat. Put in a fucking selection wheel or something, please!
The game still needs a lot of UX improvements to be considered perfect, but TotK did too. For everything TotK fixed from BotW it had new problems.
Is there a CRPG that is worshipped for the best UI in the genre? It seems like a UX nightmare to create a game that is so multifaceted.
Solasta is probably the closest for a 5e based system.
Solid UI for all of 5e’s base actions with popup menus for items and spells. It also has significantly better navigation for vertical movement/aim.
Love Solasta. The small company did a great job. I just filled out their form asking what their next project should be like.
I asked for more 5e D&D but with a gothic horror or Ravenloth setting.
I wish more RPGs were set in era reminiscent of late 19th century. Not many fantasy settings use it. One excellent book series that does use it is the Bartimaeus trilogy.
I dunno about worshipped but to me pathfinder wotr has so many good quality of life improvements and better ui overall. Pathfinder also feels more like a proper successor to baldur’s gate mechanically and the old infinity engine. I am still enjoying bg3 though.
I get frustrated every single time I want to use a companion’s special power and I have to run around mashing the A button trying to click on them, often in the middle of combat. Put in a fucking selection wheel or something, please!