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In case anyone wondered how to potentially get around this…
- Pay for a server in another country that gives you SSH access
- Create SSH SOCKS tunnel:
ssh -N -D 8008 your-server-ip
- Open your browser and set the SOCKS server to
(in Chromium/Firefox you can search for this in Settings)
So, that’s definitely better than nothing, but your browser isn’t the only thing – though these days, it is a very important thing – that talks to the Internet. If, for example, you’re using a lemmy client to read this, I’d bet that it’s good odds that it doesn’t have SOCKS support.
Though I wouldn’t be surprised if someone has made VPN software that intercepts connections and acts as a proxy SOCKS client, which would make it work more like a traditional VPN if you can reach a remote SOCKS server, though maybe with a performance hit.
Yeah, okay, looks like stunnel can do this on Linux. So it’s a thing.
You don’t need a 100% solution, though, to have a pretty big impact on society. Combine technical barriers with it just being easier to not think about what’s going on outside, maybe some chilling effects from legally going after people who do start doing things that you don’t like (viewing websites, spreading information, etc), and you can control people’s information environment a lot. Make using circumvention solutions illegal – okay, maybe you can bypass their system if you don’t get caught, but do you want to risk it? Make creating or spreading circumvention solutions really illegal. Do you want to risk getting in a lot of trouble so that random other person can get unrestricted or unmonitored Internet access?
On that note, I was reading about the way North Korea does it in an article from someone who got out of North Korea. That is about as close as it gets to a 100% solution. Only a few thousand people are authorized to get Internet access. You need to apply to use the Internet with a couple of days lead time. Each pair of computers has a “librarian” monitoring what the Internet user on each side is doing, and every five minutes or so the computer will halt with whatever you were doing on the screen and require fingerprint re-authorization from the “librarian” to continue. Users are not allowed to view pages in Korean, just English and Chinese (I assume because most information out there that you’d have to go outside North Korea to get access to is likely available in either English or Chinese, and they definitely don’t want people seeing anything out of South Korea).
That pretty much screws North Korea in terms of access to information, is a costly solution, but if you place an absolute priority on control of the information environment, North Korea does prove that it’s possible to take a society there.
North Korea does prove that it’s possible to take a society there.
I don’t think NK took themselves there, they were already there when the internet was invented. Easier to limit access to few people when you have draconian measures in place when access becomes possible.
Having a society that already widely has access to one that has extremely limited access is a lot more difficult.
This is a good point that many don’t think about. Even if you could somehow drop hardware and free starlink into North Korea it wouldn’t even matter because the citizens never grew up on internet culture. No one would be able to figure out what to do with it by the time they got caught.
Unfortunately it would be trivial to block an SSH tunnel like this. I recall reading news 10 years ago (maybe even earlier) some foreign journalist tried this at a Beijing hotel room and got shut down in minutes. That was when people are still using PPTP and L2TP protocols to get around censorship, Wireguard and shadowsocks wouldn’t be born for another couple years.
trivial to block an ssh tunnel like this
Far from trivial unless you’re willing to brick ssh completely, or at least cripple a bunch of non-VPN uses for tunneling. Of course it’s trivial to just block ssh outright, or block tunneling above a certain bandwidth. But that would also block, as an example, most remote IDE sessions, loopback-only server management frontends, etc.
This is actually pretty interesting, thanks for sharing. Although i live in a third world country that doesnt care about anything at all including piracy, but this tunneling thing looks pretty handy
Couldn’t you also just set the VPN to use port 443?
E: Apparently this isn’t enough. IE, for Wireguard, you would need to find a way to obfuscate the handshake.
I’m not 100%, but I think you could set this up for free with an Oracle AlwaysFree tier VM.
(Boo Oracle, yes I know. Still very handy.)
Just looked up Oracle Always Free… Good to know about, thanks!
Is OpenVPN not just SSL traffic?
They can block the default port and IP addresses owned by VPN service providers, but is there any way to block the protocol without block all encrypted web traffic?
Blocking all encrypted traffic… fantastic suggestion comrade, I’ll forward this on to the Kremlin. Also, you’ve been drafted.
I suppose with “comrade” you are hinting at Soviet customs, but Russia isn’t the USSR and couldn’t be further from being socialist
Settle down, it was a joke
Chillax, bud
Russia isn’t the USSR but it is heading towards the USSR ways, and it’s already there in many aspects. It’s not just on a technical definition, a lot of pro-war and nationalist rhetoric is rooted in the old USSR culture.
The USSR wasn’t socialist, it was communist. And yes I know, it wasn’t real communism because real communism is a utopia.
Russia isn’t implementing maternal paid leave, a good universal healthcare system, guaranteed housing, food, education, and a job, so it’s not heading for the ‘USSR ways’ and the USSR was socialist
Oh please. In all the ways that matter, it is identical.
It’s a custom protocol that uses SSL/TLS for key exchange and such, so it can be detected. It’s actually causing huge problems for many large Russian companies, as it’s common to use those protocols for remote access, work, etc.
As mentioned in the article you need something like “Shadowsocks” to avoid protocl blocking, since it fully disguises the traffic as standard SSL/TLS. Which was created for, and is still used to circumvent this type of blocking in “the great firewall of china”.
tl;dr: You can infer that OpenVPN is used from the key exchange somehow.
SSL is a higher layer thing, isn’t it? A VPN is just encapsulating an IP packet in another IP packet and getting it to the tunnel endpoint. Unless the whole of the inner IP packet is encrypted, the service provider could just sniff your packets and block anything that looks like an IP packet in the outer packet payload?
Unless the whole of the inner IP packet is encrypted,
It is, because they’re inside an encrypted stream of data.
The way OpenVPN works is this:
OpenVPN establishes a TLS connection to the OpenVPN server.
Your computer’s kernel generates an IP packet.
OpenVPN sucks that up, shoves it into the TLS connection. That connection is encrypted, so the network provider cannot see inside it, know whether the data is IP packets or anything else, though I suppose maybe traffic analysis might let one classify a connection as probably being a VPN.
The data in that connection is broken up into IP packets, went to the OpenVPN server.
The OpenVPN server decrypts the data in the TLS stream, pulls the original IP packets out.
So the original packets are always encrypted when the network sees them. Only the OpenVPN server can see the unencrypted packet you originally sent.
What @raltoid is saying sounds plausible, though I can’t confirm it myself off-the-cuff – that OpenVPN is detected by looking at somehing unique in the initial handshake.
VPN detection is simple: track new encrypted connections outside of Russia, connect to the same server, check if it replies as a VPN server. If it does, block the shit out of it. No need for packet inspection or any voodoo.
Fair enough. I mean, there are ways around that too, like some port knocking scheme, but I assume that this shadowsocks thing solves the same problem in a better way.
But I do stand by what I was responding to on, the bit about the internal IP packets being encrypted and not readable.
Yes there is a difference between https traffic.
There’s still headers and it’s fairly trivial to block using packet analysis. Using other protocols such as SSH tunneling may work (until they try to ban that I suppose). There’s always way around these kind of blocks, it’s a cat and mouse game.
Is OpenVPN not just SSL traffic?
It’s not, it’s an IPSec VPN by default which runs over UDP. You can run it via TCP and it operates over the same port as HTTPS (443), but it’s not the same protocol and can be differentiated that way.
A way around this would be to run an SSLVPN with a landing page where you log in instead of using an IPSec VPN or a dedicated SSLVPN client.
Another way around it would be to create a reverse SSH tunnel on a VM/VPC in another country/state and send all your traffic through that.
Is OpenVPN not just SSL traffic?
It’s not, it’s an IPSec VPN by default which runs over UDP. You can run it via TCP and it operates over the same port as HTTPS (443), but it’s not the same protocol and can be differentiated that way.
I think that either I’m misunderstanding what you’re aiming to say, or that this is incorrect.
OpenVPN can run over UDP or TCP, but it’s not IPSec, not even when running over UDP. IPSec is an entirely separate protocol.
Shithole country
Worse: shithole country that turns everything they touch into shit too.
Bootlicking simply comes naturally to the Russian culture.
Edit: my apologies to the Russian brothers and sisters still fighting the good fight by blowing up Putin’s shit.
I suspect that’s who this new VPN restriction is aimed at affecting most: activist Russians inside the country, and also those Russians evading mobilization by leaving, but continuing to work their Russian jobs via VPN. Putin has been trying to get his hands around that for many months now.
To me, every Russian who left the country is one less Russian on the battlefield, one less Russian to be cannon fodder, one less Russian to harass Ukraine. So I don’t much care why they left, only that it’s a net good for Ukraine that they did. And of course those brave souls who are still protesting and acting against the system from the inside. Слава Україні!
Wouldn’t those be jobs that typically require advanced education? Why would they want to throw that subset of the population into the meat grinder?
That’s actually a good question. The basic answer is that there’s not a superfluity of available young men, and what I call “The Two Russias.”
To start with, using a vast overgeneralization, politically there are two Russias: one comprised of St. Petersburg and Moscow and their surrounding areas, and one made of everywhere else. St. Petersburg and Moscow are where the money is, where the power is, where the seat of the church is (very powerful in Russia) and where any public opinion that matters rests. For example, Putin was mayor of St. Petersburg when he was selected by Yeltsin to groom for prime minister. This is the rich part of Russia, the one the world sees and hears, and where Putin’s authority as a leader lives or dies.
But Russia is VAST, and much of it unsettled. Where there are cities, they are much smaller, and much more spread out as you head further north and east. The people who live in the other Russia, the poorer one, don’t have even a fraction of the same power or voice, and are very easy to shut up as Putin also controls the media. Putin puts out the propaganda everywhere, but he keep in mind that he really needs it most in the first Russia, because they have the public voice and the power, and if they revolt it will draw the world’s attention, as opposed to some grieving babushkas in Kamchatka.
So what that has created is a situation where Putin has to pull his conscripts from poorer areas in order to keep the reality of his losing war from Moscow and St. Petersburg. But there just weren’t that many to start with, especially after covid, and many others have hidden or left. Meanwhile Putin’s battlefield losses have been HUGE. So late last year he started pulling conscripts from the two cities, and that’s when the real tech drain began, because many young men left there then who could still leave, did.
The ones who have left (or are leaving) can’t be counted because in terms of data (online activity, pay deposit, tax payments) they appear to be in Russia. They just can’t be found by the mobilization cops anywhere, and it’s because in reality they’re sitting in a café in Tbilisi or Bangkok doing their work remotely and enjoying the weather.
Russia doesn’t know where they are, because they’re very careful not to reveal that their remote work is via VPN from another country. Putin literally has no power beyond his own borders to retrieve them even if he could find them (unless they stayed in Belarus, which is stupid). And again, his battlefield losses have been MASSIVE. His generals have always used the lower classes of soldier as cannon fodder to clear the way for more valuable soldiers (like Speznaz) and lowly conscripts are seen as expendable, even now.
But he’s running out of conscripts, beggars can’t be choosers, he desperately needs the richer Russia to support him and his war, his domestic propaganda isn’t nearly as compelling as he’d like it to be, and while he could easily silence the poor grieving babushkas from somewhere like Yakutsk whose grandsons he threw into the woodchipper of war, he cannot easily do so with the rich, connected and worldly Muscovites and Petersburgians, and now the war is coming directly to them with Prighozin’s march and Ukraine’s drones, and they don’t like that at all. On top of that Putin has been rumored to be sick for several years, and all of this together means his time is running out.
So at this point, I don’t think Putin gives a shit who can code a payment processor or run a wastewater plant or design medical imaging equipment, he just wants bodies to throw at the landmines so he can finally win his cursed war.
Good read. So it sounds like your analysis of the situation is that it is short sighted and Putin is simply a Megalomaniac attempting to hold onto power, would you say that is an accurate summary? Or is he just crazy and super optimistic that things will change all the sudden one day?
Because even if you kept all the people physically producing bombs and shells, eventually you will run out of the educated people that run the other industries that support the military industrial system in Russia if this goes on for long enough.
So it sounds like your analysis of the situation is that it is short sighted and Putin is simply a Megalomaniac attempting to hold onto power, would you say that is an accurate summary?
Yes, and worse than it appears in what I wrote. What is driving Putin right now is a demented vision of something called Russkiy Mir, or Russian World, wherein Russia reclaims its world glory, not least by reclaiming every square inch of land that was ever Russian. A lot of this comes from his close advisor Aleksandr Dugin’s neo-fascist book Foundations of Geopolitics, and it puts every country surrounding Russia at risk, especially Poland and the Baltic states, because Putin’s publicly acknowledged end goal is to sit as king over all of them in a new, reunified Russian kingdom.
Also, he’s not just running out of educated people, he’s running out of people, period. There are roughly 14 million in Moscow, 4 million in St. Petersburg, and 145 million in Russia total, leaving out Crimea. Again, outside the cities, they are spread out across a vast land mass. By contrast, in the US right now there are over double that, 333 million spread out over the lesser land mass of the southern portion of North America. Not only does he have very few men, he has a huge area for people to hide in, and a significant portion of his own populace that grew up under Soviet rule who are willing to hide anyone they love. Russians run the best black markets in the world, IMO, and now men of conscription age are a part of that. It’s a battle Putin will not win.
It’s also one of the reasons Putin grabbed Crimea, and is now trying to get Ukraine: to literally steal the children. This is not hyperbole, it is fact. Russia is now a failing country. Even if the war were to stop today, Putin’s misuse of his populace to chase his dreams of a pimped up new Russia has ensured that there simply won’t be the population needed to support a thriving economy.
And I won’t go into how poor Russia is because Putin’s entire goal the whole time he has been in ANY public office, including mayor, has been to fleece the people. He stole millions in food aid from hungry Petersburgians in the 1990s and hasn’t stopped since. He and his oligarch cronies are richer than most living people can imagine, and it’s all on the backs of poor Russians. If you’re interested, Alexei Navalny and the Bellingcat folks have done an amazing series of videos about Putin’s theft (turn on English subs) of Russia’s natural resources, to sell them for profit and divert the income through his close circle of cronies.
So yeah. He is a madman. In So. Many. Ways. Like, lay-off-the-crack-pipe-already crazy. I could write about it for hours, lol. Thank you for asking, because it was actually good to think about it as a whole picture for once. I am pleased when anyone wants to learn more about this conflict, because I believe it is going to shape not just the east, but the west for decades to come, no matter how it turns out.
I suspect that if things continue in the trajectory that they seem to be heading, that people from Russia who exit may likely be better-off too, as much as moving countries is a significant barrier.
Racism comes naturally the Anglo brainpan.
Edit: My apologies to my Anglo brothers and sisters still fighting the good fight and blowing up US government property.
1: Russian isn’t a race, I’m actually being jingoist, you damn racist.
2: I’m Suomi/Celt. Slavs and Germanics can all get fucked, ancestrally speaking, you slaving imperialist pigs.
3:That was clearly a joke, go grow some sunflowers.
using a vpn is also illegal in russia since 2017 😅
But also laws don’t really matter in Russia.
well 😅
I’d appreciate a source for that statement. :o
In November 2017, the Russian government passed a law banning the use of VPNs, Tor, and proxies to access unauthorized content. Since that time, it has been used to restrict specific VPN services.
The ban targets VPN providers who refuse to submit data to the Russian government. The threat of bans came in 2019. Two waves of bans followed in 2021, covering 15 VPNs. Only one Russia-based provider is known to have complied with the rules.
IIRC Pakistan also do this (vpn is blocked by default and you’ll need to submit documentation to justify using VPN if you want to use VPN in your company), though their main reason is to reduce VoIP spammers.
It has got to be better to just make phone authentication better than to hope that nobody in the country is going to spam and then block VPNs to the outside.
I see! So, to quote the sources you provided:
“Despite widespread speculation, the law does not directly ban the operation of VPNs and anonymisers. However, it does restrict access to banned websites with the help of these tools.”
I.e. the VPN providers themselves are not illegal, though the VPN providers technically have to not allow users to access content listed by rospotrebnadzor. That’s responsibility on the side of the providers, not a ban on use. Practically speaking it still is attempting to censor content, but neither of the three sources claim that VPN use is illegal in Russia.
You can argue as much as you want, but the full usage of a vpn is illegal in russia by law, because you could access real informations instead of their bullshit propaganda.
Yes you can install it freely and “use” it to a certain degree to browse on pages uncle Putin allows you, but you can’t use it completely without any restrictions, e.g the definition of real usage in my opinion. So in my understanding the (full) usage of a vpn is prohibited by law in russia.
And they are now actively blocking protocols…so 🤷♂️
Don’t get me wrong, I think those restrictions are horrible and Putin is a tyrant, but it’s irresponsible to say that VPNs are illegal. They are not. People should use them to access alternative media like Meduza instead of accepting that there’s only state media. VPNs are still incredibly useful and we shouldn’t play into the scare tactics of the Russian government by insinuating that you can end up in jail by using VPNs. I think that’s coming, too, but these tools are still available to get around lots of the censorship. As you yourself noted, most of the VPN providers aren’t actually complying with the law, so you can access way more material, without current legal repercussions to the individual, at least based on the sources you provided.
This is not accurate information. VPN usage is not banned.
Using is not illegal
if you want to use it in its original purpose it’s illegal. If you use a vpn not registered with Roskomnadzor, it’s illegal because you can access stuff that putin does not want you to see.
therefore using a vpn with its normal purpose to create your private tunnel and access what you want is in fact illegal in russia.
Illegal to show how bypass bans, it is allowed to use VPNs
But how are their propaganda farms going to be able to pretend they are in your country now?
They still get to operate don’t worry!!
official companies are still able to use vpn 😏
Exemptions that only apply rules to the common people. Maybe device registration with an exception using ipv6 address
Maybe they don’t actually have all those propaganda farms that the dems were crying about, did that thought cross your mind?
Before it was widely reported, Twitter’s geocoding feature showed a ton of Russian-based accounts posing as “Americans” and only discussing politics. Would love to see lemmy be more transparent about accounts posting here too, tbh.
In all honesty, I would expect at least an organized troll farm to use VPNs ending outside Russia.
Random people in Russia might just act directly, but it’s a red flag that’s easy to pretty-inexpensively eliminate.
It sounds like at least the Internet Research Agency troll farm used VPNs.
According to court documents, the IRA took several measures to hide its tracks, duping the technology companies who were unaware, or unable, to stop what was filtering through their systems.
The key - and obvious - move was to hide the fact that these posts were coming from Russia. For that, the IRA is said to have used several Virtual Private Networks - VPNs - to route their operations through computers in the US. The operatives allegedly used stolen identities to set up PayPal accounts using real American names.
Even if it’s just a hash of an ip4, that would go a long way towards identifying who is coming from where
I’d say you probably want to check my geolocation?
They exist. Inform yourself on the Internet Research Agency, one of Russia’s state sponsored troll farms. A handful of their activities are well documented in factual records. ‘Dems’ weren’t crying about it, every rational person who doesn’t want foreign interference and disinformation flooding our spaces is concerned about it. This should not be a partisan issue whatsoever.
Yeah, I don’t even really have a problem with RT, as long as it’s labeled so that people understand that it’s the Russian state speaking. But a lot of forums rely more-or-less on the idea that people are more-or-less good faith actors. Very large scale efforts to have people pretend to be someone else and make non-good-faith arguments is something that I think that a lot of our forums can’t today handle well.
Arguably, that’s a technical problem that needs to be fixed in some way.
Sadly, but we have. There is a big propaganda campaign have been raised for the last 2 years. It was here before but not in a such huge amount.
Maybe, but get fucking real.
annnd another dictatorship box checked off the list… wont be long now
Until what? Until Russia is a dictatorship? That ship sailed a long time ago.
Won’t be long before Putin catches up to Kim Jong Un in the Oppression Olympics
No drug testings pls
Still wouldn’t be able to catch up with the US, they are gold medalists
The US has some serious issues with corruption, but it’s FAR from a dictatorship, lol.
You are talking to someone who has Stalin’s portrait as his avatar. You might not want to be investing the time into talking to him.
That’s ok, just know that we are the biggest left wing ideology and cry about it
It’s getting there though due to what Trump did. Hopefully people have the smarts to vote in the next election.
Highest prison population w/ privately owned prisons, besides the elite class of your country controls what happens in your country (media included), you have no say in it.
That would be a oligarchy, not a dictatorship.
So you admit the US has the same form of governance that Russia has? Also you could argue that all parliamentary ‘democracies’ are oligarchies or as Marx said ‘dictatorship of the bourgeoisie’
besides the elite class of your country controls what happens in your country (media included), you have no say in it.
Is there any state, current or historical, that was not a dictatorship according to this metric?
Edit: ignore the question, I noticed the Stalin profile pic
The dollar rules in the US. That is 100% true and is definitely not a good system. However, that doesn’t make it a dictatorship unless you consider money to be their dictator.
Money cannot be a a dictator, it’s just pieces of paper with value, however the people who hoard it in massive amounts and use it to exert influence on the system, resulting in laws that favor them and their companies, are.
This is utter nonsense. If the US was a dictatorship, I wouldn’t be scared to death of the upcoming elections.
Ask anyone who lived in a US controlled military dictatorship if they are scared of the upcoming elections. (Read the Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins). Besides, both parties are bought out by the bourgeoisie of you country, so nothing is ‘dangerous’, about voting since it will serve the same interests either ways.
I have never before encountered someone who used the word “bourgeoisie” unironically. So cute! Now say something about the proletariat and the means of production!
How about I say that your country will collapse in the next 30ish years, while the rest of the world celebrates. Hopefully you can enjoy the horrors of war that you inflicted in so many places.
Until he stops pretending?
Didn’t he say that’s so sure to be re elected that it doesn’t even need to waste money on useless elections?
Proton vpn has a feature that can be turned on for oppressive governments, ‘alternate routing’ I believe. Would that be sufficient or no?
Nope, Proton VPN is super simple and is blocked long ago.
Theoretically, yes, since there are options other than WG/OVPN available through Smart Protocol, which Alternate Routing leverages.
I live in Russia and I have vps with wireguard vpn in Netherlands. At the current moment it works for me pretty well except the some connection failures two days ago. But they were very short. But I don’t know how long my vps will be accessible with these fucking blocking.
You might want to sign up with astrill. Greetings from China, we’ve been dealing with this shit for decades.
Thanks for advice. I didn’t hear about it before. It will be my backup plan.
Can you confirm that it is still working fine on normal home internet but not on cellular data? Have been back to Russia multiple times per year (family reasons) and none vpn ever works on cellular network. Some work at home and places.
My own vpn is to my house in different country. Wireguard. That has always been working over home wifi here (not cellular). Even until now.
For now it works both via mobile data and home provider. My mobile operator is Tinkoff. The home Internet provider - City Telekom. But sometimes it losses connection for several minutes. But generally it works well.
It will be blocked soon. Go read here what to do https://habr.com/ru/articles/731608/
Now comes the Great Russian Firewall.
The Copper Curtain?
I don’t think they can afford copper at the moment. Try cotton maybe.
It was not working 2 day on mobile operators, now waiting full shutdown
yup. kinda same experience. tele2. complete shutdown on my vpn.
Shadowsocks worked fine
Shadowsocks is very difficult to block. What provider do you use for shadowsocks?
ProtonVPN has a “stealth” protocol. Does anyone know if that breaks through?
protonvpn hasn’t worked here at all for a long time now lol
It doesn’t work in China, if that’s any indication.
Absolutely doesn’t. Even tried to go like 100 servers to see.
But nothing related to proton get through
deleted by creator
I am pretty confused by the article.
What I’d expected based on what I’ve seen so far was that the Kremlin would not care what protocols are used, just whether the a given VPN provider was in Russia and whether it provided the government with access to monitor traffic in the VPN.
So, use whatever VPN protocol you want to talk to a VPN provider where we can monitor or block traffic by seeing inside the VPN. You don’t get to talk to any VPN providers for which we can’t do that, like ones outside Russia, and the Russian government will do what it can to detect and block such protocols when they pass somewhere outside of Russia.
But that doesn’t seem to fit with what the article says is happening.
The media in Russia reports that the reason behind this is that the country isn’t banning specific VPNs. Instead, it’s putting restrictions on the protocols these services use.
According to appleinsider.ru, the two protocols that are subject to the restrictions are:
- OpenVPN
- WireGuard
A Russian VPN provider, Terona VPN, confirmed the recent restrictions and said its users are reporting difficulties using the service. It’s now preparing to switch to new protocols that are more resistant to blocking.
I don’t see what blocking those protocols internal to Russia buys the Kremlin – if Terona conformed to Russian rules on state access to the VPN, I don’t see how the Kremlin benefits from blocking them.
And I don’t see why Russia would want to permit through other protocols, though maybe there are just the only protocols that they’ve gotten around to blocking.
EDIT: Okay, maybe Terona doesn’t conform to state rules or something and there is whitelisting of VPN providers in Russia actually happening. Looking at their VK page, it looks like Terona’s top selling point is “VPN access to free internet” and they have a bunch of country flags of countries outside of Russia. So maybe Russia is blocking VPN connectivity at the point that it exits Russia, and it’s affecting Terona users who are trying to use a VPN to access the Internet outside Russia, which would be in line with what I would have expected.
Your edit makes sense, it would be possible to block all VPN traffic but just whitelist traffic from trusted IP addresses (like those in Russia). But I don’t think we have enough info to say for sure that’s what’s happening.
Russia is a terrorist state. #SlavaUkraini #ArmUkraineForVictory
I love all my fellow Russians and Ukrainians who rise above the brainwashing that this commenter is demonstrating.
Fuck patriotism and slogans, that’s what politicians want you to do to die for them. All wars would be over in a day if people just realized this as politicians can’t fight their wars without people like this commenter.
Ukraine was invaded bro. Their politicians did exactly nothing to encourage war.
Maybe theirs didn’t, some other countries’ did (and still do) because it advances their interest.
Russia is less terrorist than Azerbaijan, but the latter isn’t even being sanctioned (and there’s been an ICJ decision against them, but everybody ignores it) for starving out a little country of 120k people right now in a medieval siege, and openly stating that they are doing exactly that.
I don’t think Ukraine has lots of problems. At least the aggressor there is recognized for what it is and the victim is recognized for what it is and armed by half the world.
I don’t think Ukraine deserves any attention, in fact, since in Artsakh they support Azerbaijan. Support of now finally actual genocide happening is what makes me think that.
Russian likes to threaten the world with nukes - nuclear war would inevitably lead to a nuclear holocaust that would cause the near extinction of the human species.
I don’t give a flying fuck about Azerbaijan. Russia is terrorizing the entire species of humanity. Until you’re threatening to wipe out the entire planet, you are not a terrorist on the same level as Russia.
Russian likes to threaten the world with nukes
Tactical nukes usually.
nuclear war would inevitably lead to a nuclear holocaust that would cause the near extinction of the human species.
If you use tactical nukes, then it’s not much more significant than using thermobaric ordnance or cassettes or even chemical weapons or anything else kinda nasty and non-conventional.
It won’t lead to a global thermonuclear war and thus a nuclear holocaust any more than use of sarin in Syria did.
However! If you don’t give a flying fuck about a smaller holocaust then I don’t give one about your bigger one even if it involves me, I just don’t care.
It won’t lead to a global thermonuclear war and thus a nuclear holocaust any more than use of sarin in Syria did.
You didn’t mention the escalation policy of either of those countries during a war event.
Escalation policies tend to become very elastic when implemented by humans.
They really can get to some limited strategic exchange, but after that point some countries are democratic and that demos which supposedly rules them will tear into pieces everybody preventing the cessation of hostilities, and others are authoritarian, and their authority cares about its lives and well-being the most.
I mean, NATO officials have become much more modest with words about “any attack on NATO territory is an attack on NATO” after a few stray missiles have landed on Polish territory, for example.
If you don’t give a flying fuck about a smaller holocaust then I don’t give one about your bigger one even if it involves me, I just don’t care.
Sure, Russia threatens the entire human species, but if it doesn’t suit your liberal virtue-signalling for some marginalized minority, then it’s fine with you.
What’s the survival of humanity vs your imaginary liberal internet points.
Sure, Russia threatens the entire human species,
Your life is worth at best as much as any Artsakhi farmer’s life. In fact much less, if by “the entire human species” you mean yourself.
Now, Russia can’t threaten anybody, I’d be surprised if any of those strategic nukes are still operational. I happen to live in Russia and know how things are usually done here. That aside, Russia’s regime consists of thieves and murderers, not some Hollywood fascist hardliners. They care for their lives very much.
but if it doesn’t suit your liberal virtue-signalling for some marginalized minority
At this point I’d actually prefer that somebody nukes the miserable being you are.
And people of Artsakh are very much the majority in their land, however they are besieged and dying from hunger.
But, well, it’s good to know that you care about Ukraine only because of being afraid that, again, somebody nukes you.
Also my ancestors on paternal side happen to be from a certain valley in the province of Tayq, Western Armenia, currently occupied by a certain genocidal NATO country. I won’t buy your bullshit. I’ll care about Ukraine and somebody, again, nuking you personally when enough people care about that, which is never.
The people of Artsakh are also people of the world. Russia is threatening them with extinction too. You don’t actual care about them. You’re a fake and a liar begging for liberal minority points online.
Russia is threatening them in much more material way, with all its deals with Azerbaijan (which would be something sanction-worthy for the latter if it were, I don’t know, Georgia), but it isn’t killing them right now.
You don’t actual care about them.
I very definitely do, my aunt’s husband is from there and a participant of the first war.
You’re a fake and a liar
Judging by your use of the words “liberal” and “minority”, I’d say your opinion on the matter is not worth much, neither are you as a whole.
I think Ukraine is a western puppet. But that doesn’t mean Russia isn’t also shit.
People can wrap their heads around two mean bullies fighting in a schoolyard. But someone when it’s politics many people want a single bad guy.
Ukraine is not “western” puppet, it’s just a big oligarch-dominated part of the ex-USSR.
Say, Transcaucasia was toxic nationalist-bandit-oligarch dominated, with these components being initially almost equally mixed, and to some extent still is.
Russia was oligarch and FSB dominated, until those merged with FSB being on top.
Ukraine was similar, but oligarchs are on top now.
I wholeheartedly agree that Ukraine is better than Russia. It’s just more similar to Russia in the dimension of evil than most here seem to think.
Is it possible to bypass this block? Say, embedding VPN packets within a different protocol?
I don’t know why some moron downvoted you, but the answer is maybe. For reference, I have always bypassed SSH firewall blocking by sneaking SSH packets within https.
The only way this won’t be possible is if the government enforces installing a certificate to use the internet, so that they can do a man-in-the-middle-attack. I heard this is already being done in Afghanistan.
So sad. More and more we are seeing a world were the powers that be can do anything they want but if you do it it’s (rightfully) malware and illegal.
The vast majority of popular apps and OSes are spyware by any reasonable definition of the term.
I remember, back in the late 1990s, if I have the time right, when RealPlayer phoned home to check for updates, and there was enormous uproar over the privacy implications.
Things sure have changed since then.
For simple web browsing or streaming over https you can use a socks proxy.
For full VPN function you could try something like IPSec or L2TP, as they’re not listed in the protocols Russia is targeting.
I’ve had success wrapping OpenVPN (TCP) in stunnel on networks that have done similar things.