I do not struggle with reading comprehension but I’m starting to struggle with your condescending tone.
Large portions of the West Bank have been annexed by Israel with the blessing of the West.
Besides, the fact the US didn’t annex territories and merely wreaked havoc in the region is really not the slam dunk you think it is; In terms of casualties the West surpasses Russia by a landslide.
I’ve got no time for tankies who base their geopolitical opinion exclusively through the myopic lens of “US/West bad” while carrying water for terrorist states like Russia. Get educated or something.
Again, I do not carry water for Russia. I am educated enough and think independently enough to be realize there are no good guys in geopolitics, only bad guys.
On the other hand, you are brainwashed to believe Russia bad / The West good.
I do not struggle with reading comprehension but I’m starting to struggle with your condescending tone.
Large portions of the West Bank have been annexed by Israel with the blessing of the West. Besides, the fact the US didn’t annex territories and merely wreaked havoc in the region is really not the slam dunk you think it is; In terms of casualties the West surpasses Russia by a landslide.
I’ve got no time for tankies who base their geopolitical opinion exclusively through the myopic lens of “US/West bad” while carrying water for terrorist states like Russia. Get educated or something.
Again, I do not carry water for Russia. I am educated enough and think independently enough to be realize there are no good guys in geopolitics, only bad guys.
On the other hand, you are brainwashed to believe Russia bad / The West good.
Yet your other comments say otherwise