Over the past three or four weeks I’ve dumped subscriptions, degoogled as much as I think I’m going to be able to, bought Canadian where able and Anywhere But America everywhere else.

But I feel like there’s more I could be doing to stick it to the yanks. Does anyone have any suggestions for some daily activities to do to keep my spite burning?

  • SaturdayMorning@lemmy.ca
    9 days ago

    How about building connections/community? Getting to know your neighbours? I know this is not easy as I am an introvert and believe me, I struggle with this but I have made it my goal to get to know my neighbours better this year. If/when the really hard times come, neighbours may become our lifeline and vice versa. I would also like to suggest we show more support for local community programs such as libraries and food banks, or perhaps consider volunteering? Perhaps through a provincial volunteer program such as Ontario Corps?