Medicaid is a popular program that covers 72 million people. The majority of U.S. adults across party affiliations oppose cuts to Medicaid. Nevertheless, Republicans in Congress want to pass deep and damaging cuts to Medicaid to pay for tax cuts for wealthy people as part of their budget legislation. This has led to enormous pushback, and some Republicans are now claiming their changes would not hurt eligible people who are enrolled in Medicaid to receive the health care they need. This is false. Republicans’ push to cut Medicaid by hundreds of billions of dollars has led them to consider a set of policies that would, indeed, harm Medicaid enrollees.
Hurting people is very much the point.
And that will be their downfall eventually. Once enough everyday people feel the pain they will vote to change it. But it’s going to take a lot of pain.
Hopefully we have midterms
They are going after farmers, veterans, social security, and Medicare. All bipartisan “third rail” issues you can’t touch without a large voting base getting fucked over and turning against you.
They do not plan on needing votes for midterms.
Or. Or they will succeed in convincing the brain rotting american public that the problems they are causing, were in fact caused by Liberals and foreigners.
Think about it. It’s what they have done for decades, why would that change now?
folks have felt the pain again and again and yet the pendulum swings.
People felt pain during Bidens admin from inflation and moved to trump. After the pain he will cause I think we will see a much larger shift
thats what I mean though. its great that it will shift but if it goes back again its like one step forward two steps back.
They’ll vote for the guy who says he’s gonna change it… a new republican … who is only gonna make things worse. Propaganda machine is locked in gonna be tough to get those people out
Congressional Republicans Can’t Cut Medicaid by Hundreds of Billions Without Hurting People.
They very much jerk off to that thought