Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
Because they are Nazi sympathizers.
Because reddit is pro-nazi dump, of course. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?
Tesla is losing a pile of cash, anyone know how low it needs to go until Musk is going to get a margin call and the whole thing comes crumbling down?
He’ll just funnel assets to himself from the Treasury. Let’s be honest, any oversight body has already been eviscerated
Perma banned for a mild comment on some post about billionaires… oh well
I deleted my reddit account yesterday. I used Revedit and I realised that most of the comments I had made on there had been removed or hidden without me ever realising…
I deleted my account yesterday too, I came to Lemmy on the API Exodus and very occasionally checked Reddit but never came around to delete my account until now. Same with my Twitter account.
This is so sad to see. I had many years of fun on reddit. I wish it wouldnt have become so commercialized. Money just ruins shit too often
There should be a law that when you go public ipo you have to change your brand name. It ain’t Reddit anymore.
wait, you mean ash cans and unobtainable dollars aren’t the thing we should all be aspiring to?
I just deleted my reddit account. 🤟😎
Same. Too much censorship, too many bots
Reddit sure loves to protect U.S. fascists.
Just the US ones?
all the big media corporations do. so weird. probably a coincidence.
It’s become pretty clear that Reddit has chosen to slide into corpo-fascism. Don’t be surprised when signs of dissent are squashed, when rebellious subreddits are systematically suppressed until they’re removed entirely, when the accounts of those who resist are closed and IP banned. Abandon all hope of free expression there, they’ve chosen their side and aren’t going to entertain the opposition any longer.
This is the advantage of decentralized platforms like Lemmy. One billionaire can’t screw things up for millions of users. They would have to take over all 600 Instances in many different countries to control it.
And then someone would just make a new instance or platform anyways lol
After 12 years, and nearly a million karma, i was permabanned right after HitlerPig was inaugurated, for repeating an opinion that i have stated many times. Nobody ever said a word until HitlerPig was in office, then suddenly I was permabanned. I came over to Lemmy, only to find i wasn’t alone.
I suspect the reason is because Ohanion wamts to buy TikTok, and he knows that HitlerPig will be making the decision personally, based on who smooches his ass, follows his orders, and pays the biggest bribe. So as a show of good faith, he abandons Reddit’s doctrine of Free Speech.
Reddit’s doctrine of Free Speech.
lol. this is the company that to this day makes zero mention of Aaron Swartz as a cofounder.
no but see corporations are your friends and can be loyal to stuff.
Deleted my Reddit account after more than a decade today.
I love the simple brilliance of “Elon Musk is a bellend”, nothing more really needs to be said.
Reddit is a Nazi web site.
Reddit is run by Nazis*
…so it’s a Nazi website.
You know how the Germans see it. " If there are 4 people at the table and one of them is a nazi, then there are 4 Nazis at the table"
I see MAGA the same way.
Can safely upvote and share without breaking Terms and Conditions
Yup. Also got my account suspension due to “suspicious activity” on “upvoting and engaging with discriminatory and violent content”.
Meaning I upvoted posts condemning US’s current position, and correcting the swarm of misinformation by US shills.
Glad I finally managed to nuke my entire reddit history and delete my account. F’ that toxic cesspool. R/Europe and other euro-canadian subs already felt like more US and Russian shills were active than actual europeans or canadians.
I had all my comments admin removed that were criticizing Russia from an academic perspective and academic tone. I even cite and quote well respected interns relations journals that are totally neutral to traditional conservative in leaning. Nope.
What’s so utterly bizarre is that the “conservative” community on Reddit keeps blasting that it’s “ultra-left.” If plainly stating “Russia’s war time economy is something I don’t like” is “ultra-left” then I am fucked and probably already on a list haha
As soon as HitlerPig was inaugurated, I was permabanned after 12 years and almost a million Karma. I was sad at first, but more and more, Reddit is filled with bots, trolls, punsters, novelty accounts, and plenty of other nonsense. 50% of most comment sections were bullshit, and its been increasingly difficult to have a good faith discussion without it breaking down because of a flood of bad faith contributions.
I’ve come to terms with the idea that im better off. Without vigorous discussion, what good is Reddit?
Precisely that. If a forum meant for discussion has its credibility compromised, what good is it as a discussion platform?
It’s one thing disagreeing with one’s PoV or not tolerating actual aggressive/toxic behavior. It’s another entire thing to censor opinions written with civility and arguments, or allow for bots to derail any meaningful discussion and demotivate/shame people for what they believe in. En masse, at that.
I am willing to learn another person’s PoV if it differs from my own - heck, if they make a compelling argument and present facts I had not considered I might even change my stance on the subject.
But simply discussing in bad faith and relying solely on insults or disinformation, plus an unwillingness to also consider other people’s PoV is not the way to reach common ground on differing positions. That’s when I realize that person is playing around and I might as well not give them their fix of dopamine.
i felt like r/europe was very “r/politics”-like, i distinctly remember one of my old acc was banned from there from a certain comment about ukraine, right before the banning madness began. and then one of the ukraine subs, r/ukraine or ukrainewareport was also getting more restrictive.
Never thought Reddit is so shady.
- I literally just repeated a questionable source of a linked article (like “fox news” as a comment to highlight bias). -> 7 day ban
- Then, i admit bad action: commented via long-time second account one single but wholesome comment during that period. (to someone in need in the same sub, giving a tip on how to handle bad lifesituation. not realizing its the same forum) -> permaban in that forum
- 7 days of trying to talk as diplomatic and giving as possible to the mods, even revealing my innocence of my second account
- ip ban on all my accounts without any other talks. (prolly the a mod forwarded that to reddit and they dont care at all about nuance)
had like 80k karma & original content posted over the years, but in the end: Gave me energy to join this community here and transfer.
Good riddance. Less american now, F Sillicon Valley more power to the people
Welcome! Similar story. I upvoted on a long standing account and got warned. Not sure which upvote did it.
Then I tried to help someone in a niche sub with buying bedding. And auto admin mod kept removing my comment post. Then the sub mods messaged me and said they tried to make my comment visible multiple times and couldn’t override the admin.
Then I followed mod advice and reposted my helpful comment only to get an auto banned on all accounts from the admin for “spam” (for two comments? Really?). The sub admin were able to override the ban and reinstate me since I did nothing wrong.
It’s way too frustrating to deal with. Out of the past year like 800 normal/helpful comments of mine have been shadow removed or admin removed.
At that point I’m just talking to myself. After 12 years, I never thought I’d leave Reddit but here we are. Happy to be on Lemmy.
Welcome. I was on Reddit for more than a decade. It was fun while it lasted but we are all better here on Lemmy.
i was annoyed how many foxnews articles was being posted on subs, do you people take fox news as serious enws?
some niche subs are super sensitive if you contradict them, something like r/gym bans you for even mentioning PEDS. i was responding someone qouting rob machelenny from isaip, said if he was juiced he would get that big, which was true by his own admission.
Fox news legally isn’t news in the US, its entertainment.
Ye im still somewhat looking into reddit (also to just realize what similar communities I should follow here)
There’s just so many whack websites as basis for discussion. Like newsgeek or other tabloids and people act like it’s the most official matter.
Feels like everyone only reads the headline and starts mashing their keyboards. And your reception tends to be less text = lie. The recent behavior and interaction feels similar to today’s Twitter in terms of rage induction, just for nerds
It’s been very wholesome so far.
Thank you :)
I was in a similar situation karma-wise. I was happy there until I saw how ruthless the mods could be. This is a better alternative to all that.
Killem with kindness