Feinstein fell Tuesday. “All of her scans were clear and she returned home,” the senator’s office said, adding that her hospital visit lasted about two hours.

  • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Feinstein being decrepit and senile and controlled by her handlers (mostly because, if she steps down, we can’t do ANYTHING involving the judiciary committee because republicans will block it) is one thing. But minor falls really are problems

    Couple months back I “missed a step” and basically fell down one single stair. Landed wrong on my foot. Was swollen pretty bad and had to walk with a cane for a few weeks after. If I were smart I would have gone to the hospital.

    It was completely a “minor fall” and nothing was life threatening. But if that had happened during the work day: I would have texted my boss that I was done for the day.