To make it accurate. The final picture of Linux should have been a Frankenstein of a self-build car. Functional, but not aesthetically pleasing. And missing all the features you didn’t add yourself.
Last time I installed arch or Gentoo it reminded me of a race car I drove with a friend. It rattles, it pops, it makes some strange noises but damn is it fast.
What? Gnome is a beautiful DE that works flawlessly. It’s like being on a Mac that you can customize, have full control over, with window tiling out of the box, and saner keyboard shortcuts.
To make it accurate. The final picture of Linux should have been a Frankenstein of a self-build car. Functional, but not aesthetically pleasing. And missing all the features you didn’t add yourself.
My dad used to put Porsche engines in VW beetles. Yes, the plurals are intentional.
Last time I installed arch or Gentoo it reminded me of a race car I drove with a friend. It rattles, it pops, it makes some strange noises but damn is it fast.
And only pretty on the outside lol.
What? Gnome is a beautiful DE that works flawlessly. It’s like being on a Mac that you can customize, have full control over, with window tiling out of the box, and saner keyboard shortcuts.
Funny, that’s exactly what I want in a car.
Nevertheless, as memes go this is one of my favorite of all time.
Speak for yourself. My distros look fabulous.
I mean, it’s basically a classic Jeep or maybe Japanese make car. Everything built to take apart and put back together.