They’re not gonna voluntarily give it back, so why not just take it like they did? Let’s say they start flying rainbow flags, should the LGBT community just give up the rainbow flag? I’ve noticed a trend where the alt-right widely adopts a symbol and the left just kinda… let’s them have it. Why? I don’t get it. If you don’t want them to have a symbol, then don’t allow them to become the exclusive users of it.
I’ve been saying this for years. What happens is they let their leftist friends bully them into not using it for fear of appearing right wing, and the right wing wins it. Honestly if the right ever figures out they have this power it’ll be…interesting…
Young people indoctrinated to socially pressure their peers into following a strict moral code. The parallels are so on-the-nose that it’s almost funny.
What exactly do they win? What do left people lose? It’s not like the LGBT movement is the rainbow flag. It’s just a symbol, and if it weren’t there’d be another one. This whole fighting for a thing makes sense only if there weren’t infinite equivalent alternatives.
But to be fair it’s really hard to co-opt the symbol of a wholly opposed group.
That’s basically what happened with the word “libertarian”. It originally was short for libertarian socialist. (Edit: clarity)
We’ve been surrendering words to the right for at least a century and it hasn’t gone well. Every time the public decides a right wing idea is trash, the right rebrands the idea.
They’re coming for “anarchist” next with monarchism rebranded as “anarcho”-capitalism.
I think I’ve seen both “Come and take it” and “don’t tread on me” on pride flags; that could be a way to reclaim both symbols. Put 'em on flags that already represent things contrary to the alt-right.
They’re not gonna voluntarily give it back, so why not just take it like they did? Let’s say they start flying rainbow flags, should the LGBT community just give up the rainbow flag? I’ve noticed a trend where the alt-right widely adopts a symbol and the left just kinda… let’s them have it. Why? I don’t get it. If you don’t want them to have a symbol, then don’t allow them to become the exclusive users of it.
I’ve been saying this for years. What happens is they let their leftist friends bully them into not using it for fear of appearing right wing, and the right wing wins it. Honestly if the right ever figures out they have this power it’ll be…interesting…
Young people indoctrinated to socially pressure their peers into following a strict moral code. The parallels are so on-the-nose that it’s almost funny.
The Moral Majority horseshoe theory is real as fuck.
What exactly do they win? What do left people lose? It’s not like the LGBT movement is the rainbow flag. It’s just a symbol, and if it weren’t there’d be another one. This whole fighting for a thing makes sense only if there weren’t infinite equivalent alternatives.
But to be fair it’s really hard to co-opt the symbol of a wholly opposed group.
That’s basically what happened with the word “libertarian”. It originally was short for libertarian socialist. (Edit: clarity)
We’ve been surrendering words to the right for at least a century and it hasn’t gone well. Every time the public decides a right wing idea is trash, the right rebrands the idea.
They’re coming for “anarchist” next with monarchism rebranded as “anarcho”-capitalism.
Ancaps pretty much only exist in the US so elsewhere libertarian still means the original definition.
Reason for me to emigrate #302
A word cannot be defined as a subset of itself.
It isn’t. What we now call libertarian socialist used to just be called libertarian.
I’m tempted to fly a “Come and take it” flag under an LGBTQ+ pride flag.
I think it sends the right message to bigots: it’s threatening and the double entendre makes them uncomfortable.
I think I’ve seen both “Come and take it” and “don’t tread on me” on pride flags; that could be a way to reclaim both symbols. Put 'em on flags that already represent things contrary to the alt-right.