Absolutely useless

  • usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml
    18 hours ago

    Kevin McCarthy would still be the house leader if that were 100% true. Congressional leadership can changed with enough intrer-party pressure. Schumer is highly unlikely to face any expulsion vote from congress, but he could more realistically be stripped of leadership position. This is a breaking point that might actually build that pressure and we can play a roll in that by calling your senators.

    Not delaying Trump’s nominees with all tools (only some of them) isn’t nearly serious as him pushing to give up the one piece of genuine dem leverage until September for basically no gain. Directed pressure - not on social media - but in places senators can see will let us do it. That means calling them, emailing them, hell even faxing, showing up in person to their office and town halls, etc.

    Also do this for the bill vote itself too before tomorrow morning. See my comment about we can still block this vote