To be honest, this is a pretty dumb meme. Those last 2 boxes could be labeled almost anything. Dark matter, dark energy, gravitons, extra terrestrial life, etc.
But hey, at least you tried!..I guess.
Dark matter, dark energy, gravitons, extra-terrestrial life… those are all things that are theoretically possible, and the proof of their existence may actually be found in your lifetime.
have you seen the crazy stuff they’re doing with the JWST? like seriously. It’s mind blowing.
God is a jpeg artifact?
No he’s the white vertical line on the right
I’ve asked theists so many times- if their god has a direct or indirect effect on the universe, it should be detectable. How do we construct a god detector?
With faith, duh.
It’s all about faith, brother
I’ve tried before. They usually just default to the god as first cause argument, maybe point at the universe and say look, there’s your proof right there. It’s useless.
No. You tell me about how to make no god detector!
Just as soon as I’m done with my no aether generator.
He’s trapped at the center of the galaxy and needs my spaceship to set him free!
Can god create a black hole so massive not even he can escape the gravity well? Looks like you just discovered the answer!
Have you consulted with your Vulcan science officer on this?
It’s his brother that told me about the problem. I don’t see the logic it talking it over with him.
When you reach the Galactic Core, Steve will greet you and offer a Staff of Life.
Most physicists agree that alternate dimensions most likely exist. Can you detect alternative dimensions? No, we just dont know how. Thats the answer. Given enough time and resources we may find out.
Do those alternate dimensions have a direct or indirect effect on the universe? If so, that effect should be detectable. Same with a god. It’s about what it does to the universe. There certainly are physical theories which posit that higher dimensions have an effect on our universe and they are supported with evidence.
Honestly this meme is dumb. It seems to pretty clearly show that given enough time we’ll find something.
Something? So you think we’ll eventually find proof of god?
Nah, it’s just a dumb meme.
Clearly we need to dig to the center of the earth to find him.
Inaccurate. The absence of a god can only be depicted by the absence of data.
Circlejerking aside. Can people please stop using that image of Pluto? It’s not what Pluto looks like to the human eye.
You’re right! To the human eye Pluto looks like this => •
It looks like this,
No astronomy picture is what it looks like to the human eye. Do you get similarly frustrated with any pictures of nebula, gas clouds, etc?
You’re grasping at straws and know exactly what I’m talking about.
But don’t take my word for it. How about the word of NASA?
JPEG artefacts almost make it look like Loss
Bota het
Why are all the memes on this instance so freaking stupid? Thank goodness it has its own sub. Could you imagine showing this sort of hackneyed drivel in public?
Hackneyed drivel, like a billboard with a big red X through that image of man evolving from ape, and in big bold red letters ‘NO! GOD CREATED!’ You mean hackneyed like that? Because I’ve seen that billboard in public and I’d rather see this any day of the week.
That’s just idiotic. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather the other side of a debate make themselves look stupid? How do you make your point when you have idiots in your pip gallery holding up shit like this?
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I think would be funny seeing people react to dumb memes like this in public.
I mean … Objectively, you are correct. Well played.
Am I allowed to nerd out and add dark matter to this? I just wish more people would consider modified gravity. 🤓
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This doesn’t make sense and is a good example of the prosecutors fallacy in statistics: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence
True but it is still a warrant for disbelief
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
Try harder
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