Truly a deranged article. Everything from name dropping Weinstein to documenting the revolving door between the white house and finance elites. All written with glee. I had to stop reading.
It’s a long article so I just skimmed through it, but it doesn’t seem like an article worshipping her, it’s just explaining her countless political connections and using gravitational pull off planets as a metaphor for different cliques. Seems like a reasonable metaphor to me? The picture is disturbing though.
Without paywall:
Truly a deranged article. Everything from name dropping Weinstein to documenting the revolving door between the white house and finance elites. All written with glee. I had to stop reading.
Clinton, Ginsburg, the list goes on…
It’s a long article so I just skimmed through it, but it doesn’t seem like an article worshipping her, it’s just explaining her countless political connections and using gravitational pull off planets as a metaphor for different cliques. Seems like a reasonable metaphor to me? The picture is disturbing though.
You guys really do have the best emojis lol
We won’t deny that.