MTG pulled this stupid shit promoting “measles parties”. For the younger folks, let me explain.
Parents used to deliberately infect their kids with chicken pox. No big deal for litte 'uns, big deal when you’re older. (Got it at 16, still have the scars 40-years later. And yes, I’m up on my shingles vaccine.)
These people are so dumb they’re conflating chicken pox and measles. Fuck me, I’m just now learning about measles because *that shit was gone when I was a child."
MTG pulled this stupid shit promoting “measles parties”. For the younger folks, let me explain.
Parents used to deliberately infect their kids with chicken pox. No big deal for litte 'uns, big deal when you’re older. (Got it at 16, still have the scars 40-years later. And yes, I’m up on my shingles vaccine.)
These people are so dumb they’re conflating chicken pox and measles. Fuck me, I’m just now learning about measles because *that shit was gone when I was a child."