The encrypted messaging app Signal has stopped responding to requests from Ukrainian law enforcement regarding Russian cyberthreats, a Ukrainian official claimed, warning that the shift is aiding Moscow’s intelligence efforts.
Because they can’t without backdooring the software? Just like they also refuse to co-operate with Swedish government and threatened to leave the market should Sweden try to force them.
You know Russian spies can also use TOR onion routine and so on.
As for phishing there is nothing signal can do about someone scanning a signal contact sharing QR and adding it to their contracts list beyond informative “hey are you really sure, really really sure you want to add this contact”. If user trusts someone they shouldn’t no amount of app policy protections help.
Because they can’t without backdooring the software? Just like they also refuse to co-operate with Swedish government and threatened to leave the market should Sweden try to force them.
You know Russian spies can also use TOR onion routine and so on.
As for phishing there is nothing signal can do about someone scanning a signal contact sharing QR and adding it to their contracts list beyond informative “hey are you really sure, really really sure you want to add this contact”. If user trusts someone they shouldn’t no amount of app policy protections help.
As long as there’s a clear confirmation dialog.