
  • possibly a
    2 years ago

    She might not get great cuts from her career music at the end of the day. Most artists - even big artists - only really get paid through performing (+ merch at performances), and performing is hard work that must be done in real-time. And the larger the team involved the less the performer gets paid.

    NFTs would typically involve some minor profit distribution, but they can be purchased 100x a second for 24 hours a day without the performer lifting a finger. Unlike CDs, they can be set up so that she gets a % of each resale, too. I’m not advocating NFTs I’m just saying it’s the reality.

    It’s not all that rare for a successful artist to make their first million or two from art, and then leverage that success to the point that the art becomes a relatively minor revenue stream. Either through financing or using their likeness to launch a business that they make a much higher share of the profit from.

    Using your brand to profit from an NFT business would be a prime example of the latter. And hot NFTs have insane liquidity. I assume algorithms are the main reason why.