Might I suggest a second good reason for South American countries— when nuclear war hits the US, and it will, the southern hemisphere has a shot of surviving a nuclear winter. Billions will die but mostly in the northern hemisphere, even after accounting for fallout spread.
If it makes you feel any better not every climatologist agrees that a nuclear exchange will result in an apocalyptic cooling event. Its unclear how much soot will make it all the way into the stratosphere, how long it will persist, and how many fire storms would be created in the first place.
I’m still planning to off myself in the event of nuclear war though.
Might I suggest a second good reason for South American countries— when nuclear war hits the US, and it will, the southern hemisphere has a shot of surviving a nuclear winter. Billions will die but mostly in the northern hemisphere, even after accounting for fallout spread.
What a ray of sunshine
If it makes you feel any better not every climatologist agrees that a nuclear exchange will result in an apocalyptic cooling event. Its unclear how much soot will make it all the way into the stratosphere, how long it will persist, and how many fire storms would be created in the first place.
I’m still planning to off myself in the event of nuclear war though.