The results of this study suggest that both socialist governance and economic development play a role in improving the physical quality of life in a nation. These are important findings for policy makers in the developing world because knowing what policies actively benefit the living standards of the general populace is extremely valuable.
Ignoring overall moral judgements and issues such as civil liberties, it seems as though the policies employed by the socialist nations in regards to health care and education have been successful at improving overall living standards among their people. This would suggest that these policies are worthy of further research, especially for other developing nations who may want to replicate or adapt some of these policies.
The significance of the economic development factor is also of interest. The significance of both independent variables suggests that socialism in addition to economic development would create the best quality of life outcomes.
Given recent geopolitical developments, it seems as though the world is in a prime position for these outcomes to occur. China is well on its way to becoming the globe’s dominant economic power, and all of the socialist nations today have adopted at least some of its economic policy. Even North Korea today has a special economic zone, home to mostly Chinese and Russian investment.
Other developing countries now have more options for economic development than before. Chinese international investment continues to grow and offer other developing nations an alternative to the, often predatory, investments given out by the West.
Growing economic alignment among developing nations is also significant. The BRICS economic alliance is expanding, and its investment bank will likely play an important role in the economic development of the Global South in the near future, as will increasing pushes toward de-dollarization among these nations.
All of these recent developments suggest a future where socialism and third-world economic development will be on the rise, meaning that studies like this will continue to be invaluable.
Oh yeah. That’s why people were literally fighting to stay in the GDR, and the DPKR had to close its borders to the flood of immigrants wanting to come in.
NK has 10k tourists a year from what we know of lmfao
“Drpk closed its borders” is one of the biggest and cynical lies ever. Koreans are prohibited from entering other countries because of UN sanctions
DPRK waa actually doing economically better than the south until Americans destroyed like half the country in the “Korean war” and then put criplling sanctions on them.
About GDR I don’t know how it did compared to West Germany but it was impoverished right after Mr. Gorbachev tore down that wall. East Germany is economically disadvantaged to this day.
DDR did favorably compared to BRD, even given the war reparations the East was forced to pay while the West got loads of investment and gifts from the US.
All West Germany had over the east was exorbitant quantities of shiny unnecessary consumer goods, which was enough to convince some people to move over.
Then with the
reunificationannexation of the DDR by the BRD all enterprises were sold to western capitalists for nothing, so the people were left with nothing, and still get the short end of the stick to this day.Also just an observation: what authority did Mr. Gorbachev have to tear down that wall, which was in no part on Soviet territory? It would be like asking Mr. Xi to tear down the US border wall.
It’s a reference to that infamous Reagan quote
Yeah, I know the one.
I guess he did have dementia at that point.
It’s disengeinous to make such a statement without looking at the historical material conditions that caused citizens of those countries to emigrate.
Sweeping generalisations make you look silly because poking holes in them is like poking holes in a balloon.
Oh. I never thought of that before. That is a good point. I wish that I were as smart as you.
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