As if it wasn’t bad enough that they want me to use a random internet service to add a keyboard to a usb wifi receiver, they have the balls to put this for Firefox users. I clicked out of pure curiosity, as I’m not even remotely interested in involving a corporate internet service in getting my keyboard connected to my computer. This is the message you get now on Logi Options software if you have a Unifying Receiver:
For the curious:
EDIT: some people on the thread have brought up that the error message being displayed for Firefox users is due to the WebUSB API not being implemented by Firefox due to security concerns. This still does not justify having to use a web app to plug peripherals to a PC.
Oh for fucks sake. It’s getting to the point where this needs legislative intervention to put an end to this tomfuckery.
Every day, I’m inching closer and closer to pulling the trigger on moving to Linux once and for all.
Just do it. I’ve been on Linux full time for >10 years, and these days there’s very little to give up when going to Linux.
Give it a shot! Maybe you’ll like it. :)
Me 4-5 years ago. Join us. :p
It’s totally doable now. Even compared to when I switched (when Windows 10 came out), it’s smoother and easier to transition.
The only real issues are adobe products being a pain in the ass. I don’t use them in the first place, but they’re a dealbreaker that requires dual booting for some folks.
Anything else mainstream tends to be WINE friendly nowadays. I keep a Windows 7 media computer for my music needs because musicbee is a pain in the ass on Linux, and that’s it. Everything else is linux now that’s mine.
For music, consider running a Plex server and using Plexamp. It’s a fantastic app, and they recently made the basic features free - previously you had to have a Plex Pass. There’s Plexamp apps for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.
Join us. Gooble Gobble we accept them!
I switched fairly recently and it’s definitely not perfect. Some stuff is better, some worse. The big thing for me is: Linux on desktop is getting better and better all the time. Windows on the other hand? Well, just ask any windows user. Most of them seem to want to just go back to XP.
Just do it. You can use the Fedora or Mint installer to make a dual boot and keep your windows install.
This is true the issue for me here was using a BT KB and Mouse I couldn’t choose the OS via GRUB.
AFAIK the BT stack hasn’t been loaded until an OS has done it… .catch 22
I solved the issie by giving up and defaulting to Mint at boot :) 21.1 solved many of my issues with my screen resolution that saw me back to Windows and 22.2 seems sweet.
@RagingNerdoholic @firefox
Just did it, building my Arch now. Working on ricing, and I got GPU passthrough setup for a Windows VM for when I need it
That’s how I felt 1.5+ years ago, and while not everything is perfect (I’m planning on getting a small windows drive for VR soon) most of it makes me wonder how I put up with windows getting steadily worse for so long
Nobara os sets up everything you need for gaming by default
What is stopping you? You won’t regret it
Mainly a couple of work programs I depend on and it never gets multi monitors right on my laptop. Also, I have to keep myself familiar with Windows to support my customers.
I’ve been using Linux more at work, and holy crap is it quick and smooth to install something like Linux Mint now. It’s just as smooth once you start using it too.
I’ve been using Fedora too, and it’s all good, but Linux Mint really surprised me.
Yeah, it’s doable nowadays. There are many guides that can help you pick a distro and then install what you need. If you’re a beginner, usually Linux Mint is the one to go for, unless you have extremely recent hardware