Israel and Jews are treated in the West like special snowflakes, and that we need to seek support, approval, and permission from Jews to denouce Israel’s crimes. Ultimately this wastes energy and distracts from the goal of justice for Palestinians.
Should we have asked ‘Aryans’ and Germans for permission to destroy Nazi Germany? No! Should we have asked whites and Britons for permission to destroy apartheid South Africa? Obviously not.
So why do we ask Jews and Israelis for permission to destroy Israel?
BadEmpanada looks at how Hasan inadvertently promotes Jewish exceptionalism:
Since 2022 i’ve stopped caring about anything Hasan Piker says or does. It’s become clear to me he is just another AOC or Bernie Sanders waiting to happen, with the only difference that he works in media and not in politics and thus can get away with larping as more radical than he really is.
He is someone who appeared progressive and leftist, but who ultimately turns out to be a disappointment and who ends up betraying the causes he claimed to stand for in order to ingratiate himself with the liberal mainstream.
He is mediocre at best on China, completely wrong and holding a position nearly identical to the imperialist narrative on Russia-Ukraine, he is far too partisan and obsessed with Trump and the various MAGA clowns, far too infatuated with America and American culture, and as BE (who i don’t always agree with and who often behaves like an ass but is at least consistent and principled) points out in this video, his Palestinian advocacy is not as solid as it could be either when you really dig deeper into it.
And none of this should be surprising because at the end of the day his liberalism is a reflection of his socio-economic position and his economic interests which, given his level of wealth, align with those of the petty bourgeois (him being essentially a self-employed entrepreneur) and upper middle class.
If some liberals get mildly radicalized and enter the communist pipeline through him, that’s fine and i’m glad for that, but for me his content is just not that impressive, interesting or even particularly entertaining.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: