Mostly self-explanatory, but if additional context is needed:

My dad came in my bedroom last night. He said the F-word at me and yelled at me over having the air conditioner turned on too early, and I responded that it was too hot. That eventually turned into me daring him to disown me like what he attempted to do three months ago, and him hoping that I be fired immediately from my first job. He also wants to call me “Mr. Sorry” (like has he read too much Mr. Men books?) because in his opinion, I apologize all the time and never make up for it, and I refuse to change. I feel like everything is completely my own fault, and I am starting to turn into a clone of my dad’s worst behavior. He will be right if he sees me homeless on the streets for the rest of my life.

I then went to my mom, whose advice is that I should keep the door locked so that he won’t go in next time.

UPDATE: I am over 18 and I am still living with my parents and have no financial responsibility for paying utility bills.

    2 years ago

    Lots of stuff here, assuming you are a minor because if not you should move out immediately.

    First about the AC, I would recommend you ask to turn it on when the temperature is at a certain level in your room, say 80 or whatever your parents can agree to which is a more reasonable way to control it.

    Next, I think daring your father to disown you sounds like a bad idea, I would not recommend you to escalate the situation since it sounds like a very poor relationship. If your mom can’t help, maybe you have grandparents that can help you? Good luck, try to hang in there.

        2 years ago

        Don’t worry about the units of measurement - they’re suggesting for you to find an appropriate temperature, in whatever you measure it in, that you and your father agree upon as a max temp for your room, so you can use the AC when it’s above that temp. It makes more sense than a time of day

          2 years ago

          This hits home. Person offering sound suggestions and the person asking for the opinion finds some way to correct them on a technicality. This is how you get people to say YTA.