I’d rather someone’s first choice about Linux was which DE to use. This plays a way bigger part in first impressions.
The obvious choice is KDE, ofcI totally agree, that’s a way more important factor when you’re starting out with Linux.
Gotta be Gnome though
Started with Ubuntu ended up with arch
@sharkfucker420 @atmur Same, its funny Kubuntu died on me twice on one year due to updates, while Arch hasn’t died yet. Yes, it almost broke completly twice but I was able to fix it with help ( and always the error was related to my clumsiness ). And also, using arch has lead me to understanding many things about linux that I wouldn’t pay attention in ubuntu.
Also, now I can say Arch BTW which probably is the main reason for moving ngl
If beginner, use PopOS.
If Linux nerd, use Arch.
That’s my guide. I don’t like any other distros. :)
I started with Ubuntu and then migrated to Arch. I learned a ton about Linux and how tune everything for optimal performance!
…And then I went back to Ubuntu because I just want to work with my computer, not on it.
You missed the step where you tell everyone what distro you use, and that its the best.
Five minutes after you installed it and haven’t tried anything else.