But you’ll have to wait a bit longer to turn the feature on.
does it detect if I’m dying inside?
“scanning…you do have a pulse, indicating you’re alive, your heart will at some point stop which means you are in the process of dying.”
If it does it with the H.E.V. Suit voice, that’s fine I guess
“Major fracture detected.”
“Emergency. User death imminent.”
They say that even in battery saver mode, the watch can only last about 36 hours before needing recharge.
I can literally live longer than that without food or water (though not recommended), so why on earth would anyone trust a device that literally dies faster than a human to tell them if they’re dying?
Most people die within range of charging.
Mine told me to breathe the other day. Bitch, I am breathing.
Standalone or gtfo.
Memento Mori