Does the GDPR define what the default behavior should be when the user refuses to specify? Does it vary by site? Is it like clicking either “Accept all” or “Reject all”?
Does the GDPR define what the default behavior should be when the user refuses to specify? Does it vary by site? Is it like clicking either “Accept all” or “Reject all”?
So if I open the cookies settings and deselect all that can be deselected, is it the same as necessary cookies only?
Correct, if you want to live cookieless on the internet you have to disable them in browser. But as others have said, this will break the majority of websites.
Functional cookies can never be used for identifiable information, only to ensure the functionality of the website.
What functionality do they ensure? I understand web games and webapps, but like any website now has cookies
There’s many reasons, site specific settings like selecting a language or if a certain popup message been dismissed by the user so it’s not shown again. Sorting settings, dark/light mode or what stage of the signup process the user is at.
Altough I agree many aren’t a necessity and could be eliminated by better software design.
Sometimes people store simple data, like a boolean, in it.
When I tried to make a website with some funny functions everything I read said to store data in cookies.