Someone posted a bit ago about the super station one fpga system and i decided to preorder one. Now I’m curious, what would all of your essentials be for the playstation system?

No need to give me a whole list, but if you can share me some of your standouts and why, id appreciate it.

i’ve played very little of ps1 and didn’t even realize it was a system until the ps2 came out!

    12 days ago

    The only one I have that hasn’t been mentioned yet is Suikoden II. Gorgeous sprite art, and it’s also just a solid game. Ironically, it’s getting a remaster very soon which is sure to clean up its biggest weakness (the English localization), though we don’t know how the rest of it will shake out.

    I consider the fifth gen to be a lost generation for sprite-based games, this is one of those on the console that make the case for an interesting “what could have been” scenario (Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Valkyrie Profile also being sprite-based standouts).