Where books? There books.
Here book, fear books? Turn books, burn books!
Hare books, dare books, everywhere books
Btw, How many whippers have you snapped?
At least twice as many as snappers that I’ve whipped.
Usually when you’re going to make fun of others, you don’t mess up their there they’re.
Whatever looser!
Edit: Do I really need to use a sarcasm switch for obvious joke?
I think you should of.
Even as a joke, this one rustles all of my jimmies.
They’re there with their books. I got it now. Still don’t no if they red them
brain hurty
Have you read the Bible? It’s really boring.
Bold of you to assume that they read their specific “sacred” literature
Here a book, there a book, everywhere a book … book
Was this meme printed out on glossy paper and then a photo of it taken with a phone??
It looks like a picture of a school photo. Then it probably got turned into a meme. At least that’s my guess.
I can’t remember exactly but isn’t the meme from a picture of a picture?
Where books?
And then they outright ban reading
They don’t read the Bible.