Of course it’s “Anglocentric”. The internet was invented in the US, with help from other western nations, and many of the globally spanning services are provided by US companies.
It’d be like if I told a European that only wealthy vacationers ride trains because it’s incredibly expensive and there’s barely any routes. Meanwhile many other countries have highly developed and affordable public transportation systems. It’s not really valuable for me to make sweeping comments about it when my country is not involved in the innovation or execution of that market.
I live in a place where under 30% of people own a computer/laptop. Classic Anglocentric worldview in that top level comment.
Of course it’s “Anglocentric”. The internet was invented in the US, with help from other western nations, and many of the globally spanning services are provided by US companies.
It’d be like if I told a European that only wealthy vacationers ride trains because it’s incredibly expensive and there’s barely any routes. Meanwhile many other countries have highly developed and affordable public transportation systems. It’s not really valuable for me to make sweeping comments about it when my country is not involved in the innovation or execution of that market.
It’s just a matter of perspective.