A legislative town hall organized by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee devolved into chaos Saturday when unidentified, plainclothes security personnel dragged a Post Falls woman from the Coeur d’Alene High School auditorium for heckling legislators.
I checked Idaho laws and, while I don’t think this clears the security firm from all wrongdoing, they actually allow regular citizens to “arrest” other citizens when they observe an “offense” was committed.
This whole section is FUBAR: https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/Title19/T19CH6/SECT19-604/
They were officially contracted as security, no just average citizens effecting a citizens arrest. They are legally required to identify themselves as security.
Despite multiple opportunities and requests; they actively refused to do so.
IMO that lady had every right to violently defend herself from these unidentified assailants attempting to assault her.
That is not attempted assault. She’s gonna be a millionaire, come the lawsuit.
I just meant she had the right to defend herself as soon as it became apparent they were trying/going to assault her. She didn’t have to wait for the assault to actually occur.
If she actually pursues legal action. Sooo many people just let this stuff go… :(
A go fund me would gather plenty of resource in this case. I hope she goes for it.
There is one https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-dr-borrenpohl-fight-for-the-first
As of this moment, 4.6K donations. Lots of 5-10-25-50$, and a few larger ones, from what I saw. I think we should all donate to the cause. ‘Apes together strong.’
“She was denied her freedom of assembly, her freedom of speech, and most importantly, her right to be free from unlawful detention.” In these times in particular we should all be concerned about our rights, and the rights of others.
I just looked and it’s now over 185k. The goal was 30k.
Dr. Borrenpohl is gonna kick their booties, metaphorically and legally speaking. As of this morning, 7.7k donations, and $239K raised with the vast majority of donations at $100 and below. And you know the subjects of this suit are aware of this fact, they are probably watching that GFM as closely as we are.
It’s a good thing that N. ID cities and towns are so flush with cash these days. Umm, wait, well https://cdapress.com/news/2024/feb/06/cda-school-leaders-trustees-money-saving-measures/
What would the offense be?
eating a meal. a succulent chinese meal.
I wouldn’t know enough about their statutes, but either way this sounds like the legislature is inviting citizens to assault other citizens so long as they think a law was broken.