GOP nominee Ron DeSantis was met with a large number of empty seats at a meet and greet event in Iowa, photos shared online have revealed.
GOP nominee Ron DeSantis was met with a large number of empty seats at a meet and greet event in Iowa, photos shared online have revealed.
Remember when Clintons rallies looked like this while Trump filled stadiums? Who fucking cares about this stupid popularity dick measuring contest shit
DeSantis will care, and he’s a terrible person so I’m happy about it
No, I don’t remember that.
Who cares about this dick measuring contest? Defendant trump, thats who. Never seen anyone as obsessed about crowd size as him. In fact he already mocked desantis for this on his great value twitter knock off.
I think it’s a valid thing to pay attention to, and your example supports that, doesn’t contradict it. In the early part of the 2016 election, Clinton was considered a shoe in against Trump. But Trump excited his base h he filled stadiums - while the support for Clinton was much less enthusiastic. And, as we know all too well, Clinton lost.
So yes, seeing the kinds of crowds a candidate draws is one measure that’s worth looking at. It’s not the whole thing, for sure, especially when some candidates aren’t above paying people to attend.