Trump is pushing for softer language on Russia’s war in Ukraine, straining G7 unity.
Officials say the U.S. is blocking references to “Russian aggression” and prefers calling it the “Ukraine conflict.”
This shift follows Trump’s peace talks with Putin that excluded Ukraine’s President Zelensky, whom Trump later called a “dictator.”
The change in rhetoric contrasts with Biden-era support for Ukraine and threatens a unified G7 stance.
It’s almost as if he works for Putin
Maybe he does.
Maybe Putin’s colleagues found out something interesting about Trump back in the days, and made him an offer he could not refuse - “go and become King of America, we’ll even help you a little, but you’ll serve us”.
Wild speculation, of course. But he definitely doesn’t have national interest burdening his mind in any way or manner.
P.S. If I worked in the Secret Service, I would use my telescope to watch birds fly and tree leaves wobble. Even if there was a remote weapons station turning towards my client, or a wire guided object coming in - I would hardly notice until impact.
Its almost as if he wants america out of a war as quickly as possible.
Which war is America in, currently?
Class war is the only real one.
SO YOU AGREE that Putin should leave the country they wrongfully invaded and pay for the rebuild to ensure peace.
That’s not how the world works. Might makes right.
SO YOU AGREE that Putin and Russia need their fucking asses kicked back to the stone age and Russia broken up again.
Actually I’d argue the US and the EU have had their fair share of invasions and aggressions.
Regardless, if you want Ukraine to win, other countries must joint the war, Ukraine can’t win by itself.
If America is at war via Ukraine then by the same logic it is committing genocide in Gaza.
Its almost as if he wants america out of a war as quickly as possible.
That would mean Traitorapist Trump has gone completely insane since we aren’t in any war. And Trump’s New World Disorder is going to send nuclear proliferation thru the roof. Every country in the world will rightly want its own nuclear weapons thanks to Trump.
Just because the soldiers are Ukrainian doesnt mean the US isn’t at war. They are also in the war between Israel and Palestine.
Just because the soldiers are Ukrainian doesnt mean the US isn’t at war.
The US isn’t at war. You thought we’ve been at war with China for the last 75 years because we gave military aid to Taiwan? You thought we entered WWII in 1940 because of the lend-lease program? LMFAO. Trump’s attack on Iran was way more of a ‘war’. He used US military forces and caused hundreds of US casualties.
US casualty list:
Trump’s attack on Iran: 100+
Putin’s attack on Ukraine: 0
American here: make it the G6. I am 100% serious. Trump is not your friend, and the rest of our fucking government is demonstrably inept in the extreme in terms of resisting this fascist takeover.
Do what they did to Russia, kick the US the fuck out and start calling it the G6. It was the G8 from 1997 to 2014, they can stand to lose another.
The US is literally trying to kickstart an economic depression in the US. Why the fuck would you want these guys in economics talks when they clearly understand FUCK ALL about economics? A US depression will fuck up the rest of the world’s economics as well, and that’s clearly the long-term goal.
If I recall correctly, it’s about destabilizing the Dollar and making their (China and Russia’s) financial system become the world standard…
It all comes down to money. It always does.
This just in, the known russian puppet, trump, is a russian puppet.
Kick the US out. If our democracy survives Trump, you can always readmit us when we have a president who acts in good faith. Otherwise, this shit is only going to get worse…
Unfortunately it’s likely going to take more than just electing a nice guy for USA to earn back its status as a trustworthy ally. When the country can just go rogue every four years, making threats against allies and backing out of agreements — and half of the country is so nationalist that they applaud it — you can’t really establish a basis of trust.
Yeah, China’s not in even though it’s the second largest economy in the world. In the 90s it almost became G-8 to include Russia, but then Putin screwed that up.
It’s not all that different of a situation from Russia being kicked out because of Putin’s shenanigans, really.
Should try to get Brazil to leave BRICS and join the G-7 club. The US could go be in BRICS bullshit (or maybe then it’d be called the USRICS?) with the other authoritarian assholes of the world.
or maybe then it’d be called the USRICS?
I’d love to ask all of the MAGA heads to just question themselves this: Why go through all of this just to help Putin. Some fucked up shit must go on that Trump risks all of this just for Putin.
Same reason the US helps Israel?
The US helps Israel because they like the US more than the rest of the middle east and the US wants control of the middle east so Iran doesn’t control it as a proxy for Russia.
So the US supports Isreal to hurt Russian interests. And is now diverting all Ukraine funds to Isreal to waste the money.
Under Biden we were on track to steal Palestine as a reaction to Putin stealing parts of Ukraine.
Now that Putin has Ukraine he doesn’t care about distracting the US through Iran and is fine having his puppet Trump keep sending their tax dollars to Isreal.
But since Trump is giving up Ukraine it is more of a trade where the US trades control of Ukraine for control of Palestine.
The US has already had control over Palestine through Israel for decades.
Weird that it’s still called Palestine then. Why would Isreal need to take their land if they already owned it?
Someone take that orange fuck out, please.
You are better than that. Don’t stoop to their level or you become like them.
I’ve always wondered why so many people peacefully marched into the trains, trucks, and death camps, then I see the sheer amount of people like you who say that and remember why. Maybe it’s a personality thing, some of us who are faced with annihalation vs annihalation with a fight, we choose the latter. Most people will just take annihalation peacefully out of fear or laziness.
Your words isn’t “action for change”. These are nothing but empty internet barks. Are you saying you’re ready to commit violence? I don’t think so. Too many barkers but in reality nobody are biters. So save the empty words. Fascism is right in your face. In your neighborhood. What are you doing about it?
It’s less about being ready to commit violence, and more like willing to die or lose all my freedoms for my beliefs. Tried doing things the peaceful, in-the-system way, working charities for blind people, deaf children, as well as various environmental causes. Got pretty high up in all of them, high up enough to learn that every roadblock to getting people medical aid, more blind people-friendly infastructure, cochlear implants for children, or utilizing cutting edge alternatives to oil and plastic using fruit waste and algae, every time it’s the millionaire/billionaire investor class that can’t see any profit incentive to helping people. I show up to pitifully occupy sidewalks regularly, I even take off work and take the financial hit if there are any demonstrations in my area. In August during the pogroms in the UK, I helped protect a mosque and got bricks thrown at me, hurt like a mofo but i’d take a million more. Helped nice young college girls get medical after getting bricks hurled at the heads and faces by fascists, meanwhile the cops did nothing but stand with their backs faced to the brick throwers, watching us get pelted with bricks and fireworks. None of this makes me even close to as radicalized as the fact that humans produce 3x the calories to feed every person on the planet yet we still charge money for food, and while there’s all these problems that need resources there’s $36 TRILLION sitting in offshore tax havens (as of 2016 according to the IMF).
I’m not willing to do violence, i’m willing to do anything even risk my life to stop them. I’d rather be smiling in front of a firing squad than peacefully obeying a soldier at gunpoint as he marches me to the camps. Perhaps you’re just not that guy.
Stop typing. Start doing. More action. Less typing keyboard warrior. My engagement with you ends here.
But I couldn’t vote for Harris because that was a vote for genocide.
In maybe the most important race of this country’s history, Harris couldn’t bring herself to denounce genocide and war crimes like a decent human being and instead chose to support a corrupt, fascist foreign nation that more closely resembles Nazi Germany than another country today.
Party loyalists tut-tut at the voters and learn exactly nothing, yet again.
Party loyalists tut-tut at the voters and learn exactly nothing, yet again.
The non-voters voted in Trump who is trying to be more fascist and corrupt than the other country you’re alluding to.
Nah, the Democrats did that.
The democrats who voted surprisingly voted for Harris so I don’t know what you’re on about.
The Democrats politicians who didn’t put Trump away and refuses to let go of their billionaire money for the sake of most important election the US is facing yet are the ones who voted Trump in. Blaming the non-voters is just playing into the oligarch’s hand.
In our system the votes get counted to figure out who won so the non-voters said they are okay with what’s happening.
So the non-voters all have future sight and can already see that Trump will win? Maybe what they actually thought was that neither side will actually help them and they are not informed enough to know that Trump will win without their help, have you ever thought about that? Seems all you actually care about is helping the oligarchy, so maybe you don’t even care to think.
Blow it apart. America doesn’t belong with its former Allies.
Its clear that America has no interest in being apart of the free world, they checked out.
Now fuck off and go destroy yourselves in a frenzy over transgender bathroom doors and eggs. The rest of us still have lives to live and futures to protect.
So making peace with russia is destroying the free world, but letting Ukraine and russia have a forever war isn’t?
Appeasement doesn’t work. We know that from WWII.
10 Torture Sites in 1 Town: Russia Sowed Pain, Fear in Izium
Ukraine: Rape and torture by Russian forces continuing, rights experts report
Ukraine conflict: ‘Russian soldiers raped me and killed my husband’
Rape has become a weapon in Ukraine. Finding justice may be difficult
Suppose it depends which propaganda machine you listen to.
Real people in Ukraine telling their actual first hand account stories of what Russian soldiers did is not a ‘propaganda machine’.
Reality doesn’t care about what people are saying. It matters what people are doing. The people who suffered and died because of Hitler and Putin are all real people who were real victims.
You make pretty words and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Just be glad you don’t live in Ukraine as National Public Radio has some grim first hand stories as to what Putin’s invasion was like for civilians.
[Accounts of alleged sexual violence coming out of Ukraine in recent weeks have been grim. A woman raped repeatedly by a Russian soldier after her husband was killed outside Kyiv. A mother of four gang raped by Russian soldiers in Kherson. The body of a Ukrainian woman found dead — naked and branded with a swastika. A woman raped by a Russian commander on the day tanks entered the village of Kalyta.
The number of reports that have emerged since the start of the war in late February suggests that rape in Ukraine at the hands of Russian soldiers may be widespread…]
Kick us out, Trump is not in the G7 to do anything but fuck it up. Being a self interested stakeholder is normal but he’s not self interested. He is clearly under Putin’s influence.